QIP Center
Departments for QIP Ph.D.
Sl.No |
Department |
No of Seats |
1 |
Mechanical Engineering |
2 |
2 |
Civil Engineering |
2 |
3 |
Electrical and Electronics Engineering |
2 |
Eligibility for Ph.D. Admission:
1. Mechanical Engineering
Field of Specialization |
Minimum Qualification |
Manufacturing Engineering:
Design Engineering :
ME/M.Tech Degree in Mechanical Engineering/ Production Engineering/ Industrial Engineering/ Metallurgical Engineering, /Automobile Engineering/ Applied Mechanics Engineering / Engineering Materials Technology |
2. Civil Engineering
Field of Specialization |
Minimum Qualification |
General Civil Engineering
Geotechnical Engineering:
Water Resources Engineering :
Environmental Engineering :
Structural Engineering:
Transportation Engineering :
M.E./M.Tech. in Transportation Engineering / Highway Engineering / Structural / Concrete Technology / Construction Management / Geo-technical Engineering / Water Resources / Environmental Engineering /Remote sensing & GIS / Public Health Engineering or equivalent Degree |
3. Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Field of Specialization |
Minimum Qualification |
Power Systems
Power Electronics & Drives
High Voltage Engineering
Robotics & Automation
Micro & Nano Systems
M.E./M.Tech. in Power Systems / Power Electronics / Power & Energy Systems / Electrical Energy Systems /Electrical Machines / Computer Applications in Industrial Drives / Control Systems / Control and Instrumentation /VILSI & Embedded Systems / or equivalent degree in |
Coordinator Details
Dr. Raji George
Professor and Head
Department of Mechanical Engineering
M S Ramaiah
Institute of Technology,
MSRIT Post, MSR Nagar,
Email: hod_me@msrit.edu,
Mob: 09845318047
Landline No: 080-23600822 Ext: 325
The registration process for admission PhD programmes under QIP has started in MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT, CIVIL DEPARTMENT AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. Kindly refer the following attachments