Funded Research Projects
Sl. No. | Name of Faculty (Principal Investigator) | Name of the Funding Agency | Title of the Project | Sanctioned order no. | Sanctioned date | Amount Sanctioned |
2022 |
1 | Dr Christina Grace Charlet | Estimation of Post-partum blood loss using optical fiber sensor and its correlation to shock index | BT/PR39588/MED/32/770/2020 | Dec/2021 | 18,38,000 | |
2021 |
1 | Dr. Seema S , Vandana Sudhakar Sardar | SQL to Lucene Query Parser | Dec/2021 | 72,000 | ||
2 | K L Sandhya | Experimental investigations on developing nanoporous membranes derived from LC nano composites for energy storage applications | VGST/K-FIST(L1)/GRD-876/2019-20/2020-21/198 | Dec/2021 | 15,00,000 | |
3 | Dr.Parkavi.A | IEEE-STEM Ambassodar- Ideathon for School students | 34-66/499/FDC/STTP | Dec/2021 | 16,000 | |
4 | Dr Suma K V | Development of AI based embedded system for prediction of preterm child birth during pregnancies | AICTE-RPS | Dec/2021 | 23,00,000 | |
5 | Dr Naresh | Development of prototype for detecting snakes in farm land using Edge computing algorithms | GRD-983 | Nov/2021 | 3,00,000 | |
6 | Dr.Parkavi.A | IEEE- Computer Society Inaguration of activities fund | CRG/2020/002152 | Oct/2021 | 12,000 | |
7 | Dr. A.Mahalakshmi | Digital Financial Inclusion for Empowerment of Micro-Entrepreneurs in the Rural Areas of Bangalore | F.No. PR-MNRP/2021-22/MGNCRE | Sep/2021 | 2,00,000 | |
8 | Dr. J Geetha (PI) / Hanumantharaju R (CO-PI) | DST | A Secure Lightweight distributed framework for auditing shared data of Smart applications using Fully Homomorphic Encryption in Cloud Storage | Sep/2021 | 2,00,000 | |
9 | Dr Raghuram S | Violence Detection in Drone Surveillance Videos | Aug/2021 | 6,05,000 | ||
10 | Dr. M N Nagabushanam & Dr Annappa Dept of CS, NITK, Surathkal | Customized Reconfigurable platform for Image/Video Compression based on Deep Learning Algorithm for Hyperspectral image | SAC: OFPF/SIPG | Aug/2021 | 29,34,880 | |
11 | Dr. Niranjanamurthy M | Development of a Prototype for Detection of Snakes in Farmland using Edge Computing Algorithms | VGST - GRD No. 983 | Aug/2021 | 3,00,000 | |
12 | Dr. J Geetha (PI) / Dr. JayaLakshmi D S (CO-PI) | Lightweight Container-based Framework in Cloud Environment for Automated Online Assessment for Computer Science Courses | CISEE/GRD NO.930/2020-21/74 | Aug/2021 | 3,00,000 | |
13 | Dr Vijaya Kumar B P | 31-08-2021 | Sign Language Translator for vocally challenged using Sensor based hand gesture Recognition(HGR) | Aug/2021 | 1,80,000 | |
14 | Dr. Nagesh B V | FDP on “Research Challenges in Atmospheric Sciences with a Computing Edge”. | Ref No./MSRIT/Admin/2020/621 | Jun/2021 | 93,000 | |
15 | Dr. Chandraprabha M N/ Dr. Hari Krishna R | Designing of novel biocompatible and multifunctional nano ceramic coatings for medical implants | VGST/KFIST(L2)/GRD-863/2019-20/2020-21/198 | Sep/2020 | 30,00,000 | |
16 | Dr. Rajeswari M Kulkarni | Energy efficient and catalyst medicated acetalization of glycerol to synthesize biofuel additives | MSRIT/Admin/2021/150 | Jun/2021 | 4,80,000 | |
17 | Dr. Niranjanamurthy M | GOC- ICRITCSA 2022 | AICTE- Ref.: F. No.67- 76/IDC/GoC/POLICY-2/2020 -2I | May/2021 | 4,00,000 | |
18 | Dr. V Sravanthi | Optimization of Butyl Levuilnate production from Levulinic Acid with Heterogeneous Nanocomposite Catalyst & Homogenerous Catalyst in a Micro-Reactor assembly | Apr/2021 | 5,000 | ||
19 | Dr. Rajeswari M Kulkarni | Vaporisation of waste coffee silver skin as a source of antioxidants by various extraction methods | Apr/2021 | 5,000 | ||
20 | Dr Y K Guruprasad | Performance Evaluation of Retrofitted RC Beams that have undergone distress adopting low carbon emission RC Jackets. | Apr/2021 | 6,000 | ||
21 | Dr.Prakrathi S | Performance evaluation of biodegradable orthopaedic implants under flow, load and biomolecules chelation | SPG/2021/001950 | Mar/2021 | 29,80,296 | |
22 | Smt. Annapurna S M | Fluorosis Mitigation : Removal of Fluoride from water using HAP-Mg composite | Mar/2021 | 5,000 | ||
23 | Mr Prashant Sunagar | Design and Development of 3 Axis 3D printing of sustainable concrete structures and characterization of affordable housing solutions | Feb/2021 | 7,000 | ||
24 | Dr. Bhavya S G | An investigation of the role of S-acylation in cardiac hypertrophy – proteomics, site-specific mutation and molecular dynamics simulations approach | TAR/2021/000188 | Feb/2021 | 18,30,000 | |
25 | Dr. Rizwana.M | Fostering Health Safety Meaures among vulnerable group during pandemic outbreak: A study with special reference to street vendors in Bengaluru | F.No.COVID/614/28/2020-21/ICSSR | Feb/2021 | 4,80,000 | |
26 | Chandana S | Noninvasive Early Detection And Timely Nutrition Intervention For Cognitive Decline In Geriatrics: A Pilot Study Based On Ayurvedic Approach | Jan/2021 | 5,55,000 | ||
27 | Dr.Viswanath Talasila | Enabling Functional Mobility through Advanced Gait Analysis and Virtual Reality | BT/AIR0945/PACE-19/19 | Jan/2021 | 21,40,000 | |
28 | Dr.Jyothi Roopa. S.K & Dr.D.R.Ravi | Removal of Heavy Metals in Electroplating Industry Waste Water using Organic Method | Jan/2021 | 6,000 | ||
29 | Mrs B Suguna Rao | Experimental investigation and numerical validation of CFS builtup beams for residential structures | Jan/2021 | 6,000 | ||
30 | Dr.Mydhili K Nair(PI) & Co-Pis : Dr.Lincy Mathews, Durgam Jagadeesh Sai | Braille Dot In- Cost effective braille dotted display for the deaf blind in India | 30.01.2021 | Jan/2021 | 4,50,000 | |
31 | Nagashree B / Dr. R Mourougane | Sustainable and strengthening of low cost housing for Rural India" | Jan/2021 | 49,000 | ||
32 | Nagashree B /Dr R Mourougane | Studies on production of sustainable Green, Cement Less concrete By Utilizing Slag from Iron and Aluminium Industry | Jan/2021 | 70,000 | ||
2020 |
1 | Dr. Annapurna P Patil | VTU | Recurrent Neural Network based Sentiment analysis approach to diagnose Mental Disorders using scanned patient’s Diary images | Competitive Research Grant, VTU,BELGAUM | Dec/2020 | 2,00,000 |
2 | Dr. Chandra Prabha M N & Mrs. Monika P | A biological strategy to enhance chronic wound healing in patients using Human Autologous Platelet –Rich Plasma. Sanction order RIT/2020/R&D/75, dated: 19.09.2020. | RIT Seed Funding, RIT | Dec/2020 | 2,60,000 | |
4 |
Sowmya B J-PI Dr. Seema S-CO-PI Dr.Monica R Mundada-CO-PI |
Technology Development and Automation of Hydroponic Farms in Urban areas using enhanced precision farming by incorporating loT and Cyber Physical System | VGST, Govt. of Karnataka | Dec/2020 | 3,00,000 | |
5 | Dr.Bindu S & Mrs. Vijayalakshmi V | Development of a Biocompatible Poly (L-Latic Acid)- Chitosan hydrogel scaffold for neuronal regeneration- DST/WOS-B/HN 20/2021/C/3825/IFD/29.12.21 | Ministry of Science & Technology, DST | Dec/2020 | 32,90,000 | |
6 | Dr. Chandraprabha M N/ Dr. Hari Krishna R | Design of structurally modified nanoceria with enhanced haloperoxidase activity to combat sulphate reducing bacteria (SRB) induced biocorrosion: A biomimetic approach to combat Microbiologically-Influenced Corrosion (MIC) of marine structures | CRG/2020/002152 | Dec/2020 | 41,83,000 | |
7 | Dr Krishna Raj | Predictive lung deposition factor using low cost sensors to measure pollutant concentration and individual physiological properties | 2020/R&D/87 | Dec/2020 | ||
8 | Dr.R Mourougane / Shridevi HoleppaChikkur | DST | Study on environmentally friendly concrete- Alkali activated concrete | Dec/2020 | 70,000 | |
9 | Dr. S Rajarajeswari, Dr. Annapurna P Patil | Web-crawler to scrape data | Dec/2020 | 72,000 | ||
10 | Sowmya B J/ Dr Seema S, Dr Monica R Mundada | Technology Development and Automation of Hydroponic Farms in Urban areas using enhanced precision farming by incorporating loT and Cyber Physical System. | Nov/2020 | 3,00,000 | ||
11 | Dr. Aruna Kumara P C (PI) / Dr. Rajeesh S (Co PI) | Study of fatigue crack growth of Al 6061 - T6 welds obtained by gas metal arc welding technique | 3.1/DRDO/DFMM/PL/83226/M/01/1174/D(R&D) | Nov/2020 | 27,06,350 | |
12 | Dr. Sandhya K L | Experimental and theoretical study of halogen bonding in Acid-pyridine co-crystals | Oct/2020 | 15,00,000 | ||
13 | Dr Vijaya Kumar B P | STTP-AICTE-AQIS-Intelligent Edge Computing Technique For Diverse Applications(Grant) | Sep/2020 | 2,85,000 | ||
14 | Dr. Jayalakshmi D S/ Dr. J Geetha | Augmenting Kannada Educational Video with Indian Sign Language animes for assisting hearing impaired students | Ref No./MSRIT/Admin/2020/621 | Sep/2020 | 3,89,000 | |
15 | Dr. Chandraprabha M N/ Dr. Hari Krishna R | Designing of novel biocompatible and multifunctional nano ceramic coatings for medical implants | VGST/KFIST(L2)/GRD-863/2019-20/2020-21/198 | Sep/2020 | 30,00,000 | |
16 | Dr. Sunith Babu (PI) | Experimental lnvestigation of low Velocity lmpact and Damage Studies of Hybrid Composite Inter / Intra layered with Glass Carbon Kevlar fibers for aerospace application. | 8-127/FDC/RPS (POLICY 1)/2019-20 | Aug/2020 | 21,32,235 | |
17 | Dr. Niranjanamurthy M | Selenium WebDriver using Python | AICTE Ref. No. 34-66 I 14 / F DCISTTP/Pol i cy -1 / 2019 -20 | Aug/2020 | 3,91,388 | |
18 | Dr Vijaya kumar B P, Dr Megha P Arakeri | IEEE-CIS Local industry interactions | 15/08/20 | Aug/2020 | 1,15,064 | |
19 | Dr Megha P Arakeri, Dr Vijaya kumar B P, Dr Naresh E | IEEE-CIS High school outreach program | 08/08/20 | Aug/2020 | 1,46,498 | |
20 | Nithya BN | Selenium WebDriver using Python | Ref . N o. 3 4 -66 / 15 / F DCISTTP/ P o I i cy -1- / 2079 -20 | Aug/2020 | 1,98,333 | |
21 | Dr. Sangeetha J | Drowsiness detection for Automotive Drivers | 43S_MTECH_008 | Jul/2020 | 4,000 | |
22 | Dr. Monica R Mundada, Sowmya B J | Action Bot | 2020/R&D/87 | Jun/2020 | 1,25,000 | |
23 | Dr. Ravindra Melavanki | KSCST student project titled " Design and development of polymer nano composite for photonic applications" | Apr/2020 | 6,000 | ||
24 | Dr Y K Guruprasad | Determining the Structural Efficiency of Cost Effective Composite Retrofits Applied onto Distressed RC Beams to Enhance Their Load Carrying Capacities | Mar/2020 | 6,000 | ||
25 | Dr. Madhu Bhan | Skill and Personality Development Program Centre | F.No.65-20/IDC/SPDC/POLICY-1/2019-20 | Mar/2020 | 9,00,450 | |
26 | Dr. Arunkumar.D.C | Feasibility study for implementation of water recycling equipment at individual houses with specific reference to Kolar and Chikkaballapur districts | 43S_MBA_002 | Mar/2020 | 5,000 | |
27 | Dr. G.Vijaya Kumar | A feasibility study on Smart Card ticketing services in public transport with reference to Bengarulu City | 43S_MBA_001 | Mar/2020 | 15,00,000 | |
28 | Dr. Y.M.Satish | Supply Chain for Collection and Distribution of used cooking oil (UCO) to Bio Diesel production units in Bengarulu City | 43S_MBA_026 | Mar/2020 | 5,000 | |
29 | Dr. Annapurna P Patil | Recurrent Neural Network based Sentiment analysis approach to diagnose Mental Disorders using scanned patient’s Diary images | Ref:VTU/TEQIP 3/2020/453 | Jan/2020 | 2,00,000 | |
2019 |
1 | Dr. Raghuram S | RIT | Deep Learning for the efficient Numerical Solution of Differential Algebraic Equations | RIT Seed Funding, RIT | Dec/2019 | 4,20,000 |
2 | Dr. Suma K V | DST | Non-Invasive technique of Nailfold capillaroscopy for diagnosis of Type – 2 diabetes Mellitus | RIT Seed Funding, RIT | Dec/2019 | 5,00,000 |
3 | Dr.B.K.Sujatha / Dr Swetha Amit | Performance characterization of flexible wearable Antennas for Dynamic IoT Connectivity | Sanction number: F. No:9-7/ROFD/MOD/policy-I 2018-19 | Dec/2019 | 10,00,000 | |
4 | Dr Vijaya kumar B P | Anomaly Detection Using Machine Intelligence Techniques For Mobile Computing Networks | 8-224/RFID/RPS | Nov/2019 | 9,00,000 | |
5 | Dr. S Rajarajeswari | Smart Reporter | IEEE BS-SHIPE-2020 | Nov/2019 | 5,000 | |
6 | Nithya BN | Short Term Training Program | Ref: 34-66/15/FDC/STTP/Policy-1/2019-20 | Oct/2019 | 1,93,277 | |
7 | Dr. Niranjanamurthy M | RIT | Short Term Training Program | Ref: 34-66/14/FDC/STTP/Policy-1/2019-20 | Oct/2019 | 3,91,388 |
8 | Dr. Lokesh K N | DST | Stimuli responsive polymeric particles containing Iron (III) chelating bioactive ligands for mitigation of intracellular labile iron pool (LIP) | TAR/2019/000071 | Oct/2019 | 18,30,000 |
9 | Dr. N Sriraam, Tejaswini S | Design and Development of Virtual Comprehensive Neonatal monitoring system | TDP/BDTD/22/2019 | Aug/2019 | 23,88,760 | |
10 | Dr.B.K.Sujatha / Dr Swetha Amit | Centre of Learning for setting up Microwave and Antenna Lab | Sanction number: Ksteps/VGST-K-FIST/L2/2018-19/GRN No 759/315 | Jul/2019 | 40,00,000 | |
11 | Vijayalakshmi V | In vitro studies on effect of carbon nanotubes on antioxidant mechanism in human neuronal cells | R.6/2/DR/2019-20/DR2020006 Project ID: DR2020006 | Jul/2019 | 80,000 | |
12 | Dr M N Manjunatha | Anticancer activity and molecular modelling studies of transition metal complexes with novel substituted benzimadazole derivatives | KSTePS/VGST-K-FISTL1/2018-19/GRD NO.770/315 | Jul/2019 | 20,00,000 | |
13 | Kalpana Sharma | Exploring the fluorescent spectroscopic, quantum chemical and Z scan properties of novel chalcones based fluoro chemo sensors for heavy metal ion detection and optical limiting applications | KSTePS/VGST-RGS/F/2018-19/GRD No 828/315 | Jul/2019 | 5,00,000 | |
14 | Dr. M. Rajesh | Study, Analysis and Optimization of workplace design parameters to improve worker efficiency through Taguchi’s Orthogonal Array Approach | R.5/2/PG/2019-20/PG2020003 | May/2019 | 70,000 | |
15 | Dr S Sethu Selvi | Modernization of Wireless Communication Lab | F.No.997/RFID/MODROB/Policy/2017-18 | Apr/2019 | 7,69,000 | |
2018 |
1 | Dr. PradipKumar Dixit | DEVELOPMENT OF PROSUMER DRIVEN INTEGRATED SMART GRID | DST/CERI/MI/SG/2017/084 (IIM A) (G) | Oct/2018 | 13,04,600 | |
2 | Dr. Pradipkumar Dixit Dr.ViswanathTalasila Dr. M. Mrunalini and Dr. Manish Kumar | Development of a Prosumer Driven Integrated SMART grid | DST/CERI/MI/SG/2017/084 (IIMA) (G) | Jul/2018 | 33,32,000 | |
2017 |
1 | Mrs. Sanchita Sharma | Enhanced Production of Indican ( Precursor of Indigo Dye) from cell suspension culture of Indigofera tinctoria and its up-scaling through bioreactor” | SR/WOS-B/739/2016 | Nov/2017 | 23,72,000 | |
2 | Dr. Bindu S | DST | Biotechnology Skill Enhancement Programme (BiSEP) –PG Diploma In Biopharmaceutical Technology | KBITS/02/BFC/2016-2017/250 | Sep/2017 | 1,62,50,000 |
3 | Ms. S R Sowmya (Research Scholar) Guide: Dr. G M Madhu | Nano Engineered Submerged Ceramic Membrane Bioreactor for Waste Water Purification | SR/WOS-A/ET-16/2017 | Aug/2017 | 24,40,000 | |
4 | Ms. Chaitra Srikanth (Research Scholar) Guide: Dr. G M Madhu | Studies on Epoxy Based Nano Polymer Composites with Enhanced Mechanical, Electrical, Chemical and Optical Properties | SR/WOS-A/ET-20/2017 | Aug/2017 | 24,40,000 | |
5 | Dr.P.Muralikrishna | Environmental Friendly Coatings: To Replace Chrome Based Conversion Coatings With Chrome Free Coatings. | Project Agreement No. 2017-231-1 | Jul/2017 | 38,89,920 | |
6 | Dr. N. Sriraam - PI, Mrs. Chandana S - Co-PI | RIT | Design and Development of Optical Coherence Tomography Imaging system | RIT/ML/LUCID/01/2017 | Jul/2017 | 9,42,000 |
2015 – 2016 |
1 | Dr.Sriraam. N / Prabhu Ravikala.V, Uma Arun | Design and Development of Wearable Cardiac Loop Recorder with WBAN for Civilian and Military applications | BT/PR14751/MED/32/422/2015 | Dec 2016 | 4805000 | |
2 | Electrical & Electronics Engineering | Central Power Research Institute | Hybrid HVDC system for multi infeed application | RSOP / 2015/ TR/ 3/ 15122015 1st July 2016 | 1st July 2016 | 1700000 |
3 | Dr.Shobha K R / Dr S G Shiva Prasad Yadav | Karnataka Fund for Infrastructure Strengthening in Science & Technology (K-FIST) | Setting up of Internet of Things(IoT) based Sensor Network Lab | KSTEPS/VITAMDASA/KFISTL2/2015-2016/GRD474 | 20-06-2016 | 4000000 |
4 | Information Science & Engineering | Vision Group for Science and Technology, Govt. of Karnataka | Design and development of assistive lOT architectural framework for physically challenged people | VGST/SMYSR/GRD-391/2014-15 2014-15 | 2014-15 | 400000 |
5 | Telecommunication Engineering | DST | Design and Development of Low cost Portable Gait Motion Analysis system | SB/S3/EECE/059/2015 5/11/2015 | 11-05-2015 | 5490000 |
6 | Physics | Vision Group on Science and Technology | LC nanocomposites for optcical switch and sensors | VGST/SMYSR/2014-15/GRD-454/2015-16 11.11.2015 | 11-11-2015 | 400000 |
7 | Telecommunication Engineering | National Program on Micro and Smart Systems (NPMASS) | Design, Development and fabrication of RF MEMS switch. | NPMASS/2.21/15-09-2014 9/15/2014 | 15-09-2014 | 4000000 |
8 | Physics | BRNS | Experimental Investigations on LC-nano composites | 2013/34/24BRNS2676 17.12.2013 | 17/12/2013 | 2770875 |
9 | Computer Science & Engineering | University Grants Commission, New Delhi | Empirical Analysis of Public Data Sources to Understand the Development Methodologies of Free and Open Source Software Engineering | UGC Ref.No: 41-613/2012(SR) 16-Jul-12 | 16/07/2012 | 1035800 |
10 | Computer Science & Engineering | Funding Agency: SERC Fast Track Proposals for Young Scientists Scheme, DST | Design and Development of Assistive Internet of Things (IoT) Framework for Physically Challenged People | SB/FTP/ETA-047/2013 13-Nov | Nov-13 | 2400000 |
2014 – 2015 |
1 | Biotechnology | DST | Characterisation and control of Candida sp., associated polymicrobial biofilms causing reproductive tract infections and fouling of prosthetics in women. | SR/WOS-A/LS-481/2013 (G) 02.06.2014 | 06-02-2014 | 1689000 |
2 | Biotechnology | DST | Control of Candida biofilms causing vulvovaginities in women using household spices and herbs | SR/FT/LS-124/2012 18.12.2012 | 18/12/2012 | 2474000 |
3 | Telecommunication Engineering | National Program on Micro and Smart Systems (NPMASS) | Design, Development and fabrication of RF MEMS switch | NPMASS/2.21/ 9/15/2014 | 15-09-2014 | 300000 |
4 | Chemistry | Visvesvaraya Technological University | Investigation of DNA binding and Nuclese Activity of Transition metal complexes of Thiosemicarbazones and Semicarbazones | VTU/Aca./2010-11/A-9/11341 7/12/2010 | 12-07-2010 | 1307000 |
5 | Biotechnology | Visvesvaraya Technological University | Bioremediation of arsenical mine wastes by acidothiobacillusferroxidans. A lab based study | VTU/Aca./2009-10/A-9/11719 06.01.2010 | 01-06-2010 | 775000 |
6 | Telecommunication Engineering | ABB | Wireless Mesh Networks | IN-KA529674029334600N 5/1/2015 | 01-05-2015 | 2400000 |
7 | Telecommunication Engineering | Stanford University | Human Brain Controllability | STAN/Meno/ 1/23/2015 | 23-01-2015 | 680000 |
8 | Chemistry | Visvesvaraya Technological University | Energy Saving: The role of nano metal oxide phosphors and metal complexes in enhancing the lighting efficiency | VTU/Aca./2009-10/A-9/2542 18/06/2009 | 18/06/2009 | 438000 |
9 | Physics | BRNS | Experimental Investigations on LC-nano composites | 2013/34/24BRNS2676 17.12.2013 | 17/12/2013 | 2770875 |
10 | Telecommunication Engineering | Boeing | Cockpit security using new biometric techniques | 14FM:02541 | 14-06-2014 | 300000 |
11 | Biotechnology | DST-NSAI | Development of an extraction process to increase the yield of natural indigo dye from Indigofera tinctoria | NASI/SoRF – I/2014-15 /53 | 325600 | |
13459475 | ||||||
2013 – 2014 |
1 | Information Science & Engineering | AICTE | Brain Computer Interface Laboratory | 8-152/RIFD/RPS/POLICY-4/2013-14 2013-14 | 2013-14 | 735000 |
2 | Mechanical Engineering | AICTE “Research Promotion Scheme” | Development of HVOF sprayed cermets coatings for improving resistance to hot corrosion and erosion of gas turbine blades | 20/AICTE/RIFD/RPS(POLICY-III)132/2013 6/3/2013 | 03-06-2013 | 1810000 |
3 | Biotechnology | DST | Control of Candida biofilms causing vulvovaginities in women using household spices and herbs | SR/FT/LS-124/2012 18.12.2012 | 18/12/2012 | 2474000 |
4 | Civil Engineering | AICTE | An Investigation On The Production, Mechinal Properties And Performance Of Geopolymer Concrete | 20/AICTE/RIFD/RPS(POLICY-III)131/2013 6/3/2013 | 03-06-2013 | 1200000 |
5 | Medical Electronics | Vision Group on Science and Technology | Design and Development of Portable Device for Infant Cries Detection | GRD no. 294 13-Jan | 13-Jan | 600000 |
6 | Electronics & Communication | Vision Group on Science and Technology | Food grain Characterization using RF Technique, Security Technology(Phase II) | VGST/CESEM(2011-12)GRD 104/2013-2014(CH. No 074116) 24.02.2014 (phase II) | 24/02/2014 (phase II) | 6000000 |
7 | Industrial Engineering & Management | Visvesvaraya Technological University | Development and Characterization of glass reinforced magnesium alloy metal matrix composites | VTU/Aca/2010-11/A-9/13259 2011 | 2011 | 800000 |
8 | Computer Science & Engineering | Funding Agency: SERC Fast Track Proposals for Young Scientists Scheme, DST | Design and Development of Assistive Internet of Things (IoT) Framework for Physically Challenged People | SB/FTP/ETA-047/2013 13-Nov | 13-Nov | 2400000 |
9 | Physics | BRNS | Experimental Investigations on LC-nano composites | 2013/34/24BRNS2676 17/12/2013 | 17/12/2013 | 2770875 |
10 | Biotechnology | AICTE | Decontamination of arsenic by Desulfovibrio sulfuricans in a lab-scale anaerobic digester | 1-51/RID/CA/24/2009-10 2010-2013 | 1050000 | |
19839875 |
Sl. No. | Name of the Faculty | Patent Title | Application Number | Date of filing of application | Publication Date |
1 |
Dr. Raji George |
717/CHE/2014 |
Granted (Patent Number: 353384) |
2 |
Dr. Sridhar B S |
Stress distribution on composite honey comb structure for a leaf spring |
202241021561 |
3 |
Dr. J Sangeetha |
Child Safety Real Time Monitoring System |
202241002431 |
4 |
"Dr. N Sriraam |
A novel flexible neo-natal patch sensor for respiratory assessment |
202241016759 |
24-Mar-22 |
5 |
Dr. Jyothilakshmi R |
A Seed Planting Apparatus |
202141034722 |
6 |
Dr. Suma K V |
Intelligent surface EMG device for Healthcare and Physical Rehabilitation |
202241014045 |
15-Mar-22 |
7 |
Dr. Sweeti |
A hand rehabilitation system |
202241021468 |
11-Apr-22 |
--- |
8 |
Jyothilakshmi R |
An Underwater Exploratory Robot |
202141037673 |
20-Aug-21 |
9 |
Dr. Jyothirmayi M |
An implantable device for controlling discharge of urine |
202241002432 |
04-Feb-22 |
10 |
KRV Subramanian |
A Device for non invasive detection of anaemia and vitamin deficiency |
202141024646 |
02-Jun-21 |
11 |
Jyothilakshmi R |
A Machine For recycling polymeric objects |
202141033742 |
27-Jul-21 |
12 |
Sridhar B S |
202141042540 |
20-Sep-21 |
13 |
"Dinesh P A Suma K V Bheemsain Rao Medha Rao Y" |
A non Invasive screening system for Detecting the Presence and Grade of a Metabolic Disease |
202141029667 |
01-Jul-21 |
14 |
"Swetha Amit Viswanath Talasila Surinder Singh Manish Hooda Gaurav Jayaswal" |
A high gain ultra Wideband spiky Terahertz microstrip Antenna |
202141006846 |
18-Feb-21 |
15 |
"Pradip Kumar Dixit Viswanath Talasila M Mrunalini Manish Kumar" |
A Peer To Peer Secure Energy Trading System And A Method Thereof |
202141004314 |
01-Feb-21 |
16 |
"Premila Manohar J V Alamelu Kusumika Krori Dutta Jyothirmayi" |
A Wearable Inhaler |
202141003659 |
27-Jan-21 |
17 |
"Dr. M K Pushpa Elavaar Kuzhali S" |
An Extendable Battery operated Handled Back Scrubber and Massager |
202141006304 |
15-Feb-21 |
18 |
"Swetha Amit Viswanath Talasila Premnath P M" |
A Liquid Antenna System For Transmitting And Receiving Electromagnetic Waves |
202141005075 |
05-Feb-21 |
19 |
"N Sriraam Sanjay HS Chandana S Purnima BR Prabhu Ravikala " |
A wearble elderly care system for providing non invasive personalized healthcare for monitoring geriatric users |
202141005710 |
10-Feb-21 |
--- |
20 |
"N Sriraam Purnima BR Jigyans K Mohapatra" |
A System For Monitoring Respiration Of A User |
202141006500 |
16-Feb-21 |
--- |
21 |
"Jyothilakshmi R Steven Mani Brills Sanjit Shekar Kushal Holaly Nagaraj Vivek Premkumar" |
A User Controlled Smart Transportation System and a Method There of |
202141004315 |
01-Feb-21 |
--- |
22 |
"K R V Subramaniam Raji George Fiza Jan Allu Sidhardha" |
A sodium ion super capacitor system |
202141005711 |
10-Feb-21 |
--- |
23 |
"Dr. Deepali Basavaraj Koppad Monali Maity" |
A Look up Table Based Router and A Routing Method There of |
202041056976 |
29-Dec-20 |
--- |
24 |
Prof. C G Raghavendra |
Automated Silkworm Eggs Counting method using Looped Erosion, and its applications to Sericulture |
201641019465 |
07.06.2016 |
25 |
Prof. C R Raghunath |
An apparartus for determining the radio frequency characterization of samples and a method thereof |
201641020174 |
13.06.2016 |
26 |
Viswanath Talasila |
Device and a Method of Automatically Triggering a Functional Electrical Stimulator |
201641004692 |
10.02.2016 |
--- |
27 |
Dr. B M Nagabhushana |
Instantaneous absorption process for removal of methylene blue using bioorganic waste emulsion |
2137/CHE/2014 |
28.04.2014 |
--- |
28 |
Dr. B M Nagabhushana |
Removal of fluoride from aqueous solution using nano calcium aluminate |
2138/CHE/2014 |
28.04.2014 |
--- |
29 |
Dr. B M Nagabhushana |
An efficient process for removal dye using low cost adsorbent |
2139/CHE/2014 |
28.04.2014 |
--- |
30 |
Dr. B M Nagabhushana |
A novel process for removal of chromium (VI) from aqueous solution using pongamia pinnata as a low C |
2140/CHE/2014 |
28.04.2014 |
--- |
31 |
Viswanath Talasila |
Feedback Control For Reducing Flaring Process Smoke and Noise |
20150293506 |
April 2014 |
--- |
32 |
Viswanath Talasila |
Integrated Smoke Monitoring and Control Systems for Flaring Operations |
US20150260397 A1 |
March 2014 |
--- |
33 |
Dr. Raji George |
Synthesis of nanotubes reinforced brake liner material |
717/CHE/2014 |
15.02.2014 |
34 |
Dr. Raji George |
Four wheel steering |
11.05.2011 |
35 |
Dr. Raji George |
A friction material composition for brake lining |
248607 |
28.07.2011 |
--- |
36 |
Dr. Talasila |
Vision Based Zero Velocity and Zero Attitude Rate Update |
US8948446 B2 |
19.01.2011 |
03.02.2015 |
37 |
Dr. Dinesh P. A |
Ecological Power Generation from Elevator |
2741/CHE/2010 |
20.09.2010 |
38 |
Dr. Dinesh P. A |
Generation of Electrical Energy using Hydraulics in Railway System |
1720/CHE/2010 |
21.06.2010 |
39 |
Dr. B M Nagabhushana |
An Excellent photocatalytic activity of ZnO nanopowder under sunlight. |
640/CHE 2009 A |
23.03.2009 |
24.02.2012 |
Industry Collaborations & MoUs
Sl. No. | Title of MOU | MOU signed with (Academia/Industry/Government) | MOU Signing Date |
1. | Proteomics analysis on developmental stages of Cordyceps militaris | Thanvi Biotechnology, Davangere | 2021 |
2. | Phytochemical Investigation and Biological Significance of medicinal plants | ComBiotech, Bangalore-560083 | 2021 |
3. | Analysis of GEF campus water samples | Water Consultancy | 2021 |
4. | Microbiological analysis of compose samples for bioremediation potential | Bioman Technologies Pvt Ltd, Bengaluru | 2021 |
5. | IO Test Myeloid Activation Test in monitoring the progression of COVID-19 | Beckman Coulter Life Science, Bengaluru | 2021 |
6. | Microbilogical validation of UVGI surface sterilize equipment | Bharat Electronics Ltd, Bengaluru | 2021 |
7. | Lightning Design Evaluation of Light Utility Helicopter (LUH) | Centre for Air Borne Systems, DRDO, Ministry of Defence, Bengaluru | 2021 |
8. | Design & Development of IVG and HCG Systems at CABS | "Centre for Air Borne Systems, DRDO, Ministry of Defence, Bengaluru." | 2021 |
9. | Consultancy work in the development of a display system for the Shooting sports and the Customized IoT product. | Avishkar India Education Private Limited #10 K No 12/1b GurunanjundaiahInd Area, Lakshmipura Road, Bangalore, Karnataka – 560090 | Jun-21 |
10. | Development of Electro Magnetic Shock Emitter (EMSE) coil used in Lithotripsy machine | Dept. of Urology, Ramaiah Medical College (In collaboration with ZeonicsSystechDefence and Aerospace Engineers Ltd, Bengaluru) | Feb-21 |
11. | Consultancy work for Software development of ETP data | Kothari Sugars and Chemicals Ltd, Lalgudi Taluk, Trichy, Tamil Nadu | Feb-21 |
12. | A novel Sustainable solvent based multi layer Plastic waste recycling | Waste Impact Trust, Bangalore | Jan-21 |
13. | Development of customized IoT boards (period: Dec 2020 to June 2021) | SST Technologies, Kumarasawmy layout, Bengaluru 560078 | Dec-20 |
14. | Development and evaluation of the PLC based Faucet life testing machine | Flow and Force Engineers, Banashankari, Bengaluru 560026 | Dec-20 |
15. | Consultancy and Technical guidance in the area of PLC based pneumatic and hydraulic experimental set up (period academic year 2020-21) | ADD (Analog and Digital Devices), Abbigere, Bengaluru 560090 | Nov-20 |
16. | Development of a cost effective audiometer (RASP-AUD) | Medinxt Technologies Pvt Ltd | Jan-20 |
17. | Design and development of assistive technology for the visually impaired | Head mounted device | 2018 |
18. | Memorandum Of Understanding between Chemical Engineering Department & Poornaprajna Institute of Scientific Research | Poornaprajna Institute of Scientific Research, No. 04, 16 th Cross, Sadashivanagar, Bangalore – 560 080 | 01-08-2016 |
19. | MOU between CSE,MSRIT and TRANS Neuron Technologies | TRANS Neuron Technologies | 04-07-2016 |
20. | Boeing International Corporation India Private Ltd, DLF Centre, Sansad Marg, New Delhi 110001, India & MSRIT | Boeing | 10-06-2016 |
21. | Memorandum Of Understanding between Civil Engg Dept, MSRIT & Manya Associates | Manya Associates | 04-01-2016 |
22. | Memorandum of Understanding between Electrical & Electronics Engineering, MSRIT & Ekovehicles Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore. | Ekovehicles Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore | 12-10-2015 |
23. | Memorandum Of Understanding between Chemical Engineering Department &Chemtex Consulting of India (P) Ltd, | Chemtex Consulting of India (P) Ltd, 301-307, 3 rd floor, Prestige terminus II, No. 09, Old Airport Exit Road, Bangalore 560 017 | 10-10-2015 |
24. | MoU between Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, MSRIT and Mitsubishi Electric India Private Limited | Mitsubishi Electric India Private Limited | 23/09/2015 |
25 | MOU between CSE,MSRIT and Metamorphic Networks Pvt. Ltd. | Metamorphic Networks Pvt. Ltd. | 16/09/2015 |
26. | Industry Institute interaction – Memorandum between IEM Dept. & CIMTRIX Systems Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore | Industry – CIMTRIX | 07-09-2015 |
27. | Memorandum of understanding between Medical Electronics Dept, MSRIT &Shankara Eye Hospital , Bangalore | Shankara Eye Hospital, Bangalore | 03-09-2015 |
28. | Memorandum of Understanding Between Electrical & Electronics Engineering, MSRIT & National Instrument Systems (India) Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore | National Instrument Systems (India) Pvt. Ltd., | 27/08/2015 |
29. | MOU between ICU-CSE,MSRIT and Chetana Technologies | Chetana Technologies | 24/07/2015 |
30. | MOU between CSE/ISE,MSRIT and SAP Technologies | SAP Technologies | 16/04/2015 |
31. | Optical Communication | Reliance Jio Infocomm | 09-04-2015 |
32. | International R&D collaboration, faculty and student exchange | Florida International University | 06-04-2015 |
33. | Wireless Mesh Networks | ABB Global Industries and Services Pvt Ltd | 05-04-2015 |
34. | MOU between MSRIT and Florida International University | Florida International University | 18/03/2015 |
35. | Memorandum of understanding between Medical Electronics Dept, MSRIT &Wildbox Technologies, Singapore | Wildbox Technologies, Singapore | 02-02-2015 |
36. | MOU with SECO - Embedded Systems lab – ISE Dept. | SECO | 29/09/2014 |
37. | Lab Development using ARM Cortex M4 boards | Starcom Information Tech | 15/09/2014 |
38. | Memorandum of understanding between Medical Electronics Dept, MSRIT &Forus Healthcare | Forus Healthcare | 05-09-2014 |
39. | MOU and Center of Excellence / R & D Collaboration between ISE and Tationem | Tationem and Stride | 25/07/2014 |
40. | ISE - Lab Development using ARM Cortex M4 boards | ARM Embedded Technologies Pvt Ltd | 10-07-2014 |
41. | Memorandum Of Understanding Between MSRIT &IISc | Indian Institute Of Science Academic | 09-06-2014 |
42. | Memorandum of Understanding between Skanda Life Sciences Pvt Ltd & Department of Biotechnology, MSRIT, Bangalore | Skanda Life Sciences Pvt Ltd (SLSPL), Bangalore | 08-05-2014 |
43. | Memorandum of Understanding between Biopratice & Department of Biotechnology, MSRIT, Bangalore | Biopractice, Bangalore | 20/03/2014 |
44. | Memorandum of understanding between Medical Electronics Dept, MSRIT & NRA Advanced Wound Care Pvt. Ltd. | NRA Advanced Wound Care Pvt. Ltd. | 13/02/2014 |
45. | Memorandum of understanding between Medical Electronics Dept, MSRIT & Specialized Mobility Operations & Innovations | Specialized Mobility Operations & Innovations | 31/01/2014 |
46. | To establish Embedded Center on TI ARM Microprocessor Kit | Cranes Software Limited | 26/12/2013 |
47. | To establish Teaching /Research Lab (MSP 430-10 No) | Cranes Software Limited | 29/11/2013 |
48. | Memorandum of understanding between Medical Electronics Dept, MSRIT &Neurosynaptic Communications Pvt. Ltd | Neurosynaptic Communications Pvt. Ltd | 28/11/2013 |
49. | MOU between CSE,MSRIT and IBM Center of Excellence | IBM Center of Excellence | 06-10-2013 |
50. | Memorandum of Understanding between M.S Ramaiah Dental Collage Department Of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics & Department of Biotechnology , MSRIT, Bangalore | M.S Ramaiah Dental Collage Department Of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics (M.S.Ramaiah university of Applied Sciences), Bangalore | 14/09/2013 |
51. | Memorandum of understanding between Medical Electronics Dept, MSRIT &Digilab | Digilab | 26/08/2013 |
52. | MOU between CSE/ISE,MSRIT and NVIDIA-CUDA | NVIDIA-CUDA | 18/05/2013 |
53. | Campus Connect programs – CSE/ISE | Infosys | 29/03/2013 |
54. | Memorandum of understanding between Medical Electronics Dept, MSRIT & Tiny Chip | Tiny Chip | 09-02-2013 |
55. | Memorandum of Understanding Between Electrical & Electronics Engineering, MSRIT & Texas Instruments, Bangalore | Texas Instruments, India | 23/01/2013 |
56. | Memorandum Of Understanding Between MSRIT & Poornaprajna Institute Of Scientific Research | Poornaprajna Institute of Scientific Research | 26/11/2012 |
57. | Memorandum Of Understanding Between MSRIT & Civil Aid Technoclinic Pvt. Ltd | Civil Aid Technoclinic Pvt. Ltd | 26/11/2012 |
58. | Memorandum Of Understanding Between MSRIT & BMS College Of Engineering | BMS College of Engineering | 26/11/2012 |
59. | Memorandum Of Understanding Between MSRIT & Dept. Of Industrial Chemistry, Kuvempu University | Dept. of Industrial Chemistry, Kuvempu University | 26/11/2012 |
60. | Memorandum of understanding between Medical Electronics Dept, MSRIT &Mediscan Systems | Mediscan Systems | 19/11/2012 |
61. | Memorandum Of Understanding between Chemical Engineering Department & Kongovi Electronics Pvt. Ltd | Kongovi Electronics Pvt. Ltd, Peenya Industrial Area, Bangalore – 560 058 | 07-11-2012 |
62. | Smarter Farming - ISE | IBM India University | 21/09/2012 |
46. | Behavioral Science Research Centre - Memorandum of Understanding between IEM Dept. & Columbia / Stanford University – USA & National University of Singapore | Academia - National University of Singapore | 20/08/2012 |
63. | Memorandum Of Understanding Between MSRIT & M/S Ultratech Cement Ltd. | M/s UltraTech Cement Ltd. | 12-07-2012 |
64. | Authorized training Center – ISE and Apple | Apple India Private Limited | 20/05/2012 |
65. | Memorandum Of Understanding Between MSRIT & Quantum Materials Corporation | Quantum Materials Corporation | 12-05-2012 |
66. | Memorandum Of Understanding Between MSRIT & Dept. Of Chemistry, Tumkur University | Dept. of Chemistry, Tumkur University | 12-05-2012 |
67. | MOU with Honeywell Technologies, ISE Dept. | Honeywell Technologies | 06-01-2012 |
68. | Food grain characterization using RF technique, security Technology” under Vision Group on Science and Technology, Dept. of Science and Technology, Govt. of Karnataka, For 3 years (2011-2014),Rs. 60 lakhs | Vision Group on Science and Technology, Dept. of Science and Technology, Govt. of Karnataka | 22/12/2011 |
69. | Student interns programs and Consultancy projects - ISE | Intel | 13/10/2011 |
70. | MOU between ISE,MSRIT and INTEL Technology Pvt. Ltd. | INTEL Technology Pvt. Ltd. | 09-09-2011 |
71. | MOU between CSE/ISE,MSRIT and MindTree Ltd. | MindTree Ltd. | 01-06-2011 |
72. | CUDA Teaching Center | NVIDIA | 25/04/2011 |
73. | Memorandum of Understanding Between Electrical & Electronics Engineering, MSRIT & Schneider Electric India, Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore | Schneider Electric India Pvt. Ltd. | 30/07/2010 |
74. | Memorandum Of Understanding between Chemical Engineering Department & M.S. Ramaiah Drugs & Allied Products Testing Laboratories | M.S. Ramaiah Drugs & Allied Products Testing Laboratories, M.S Ramaiah Nagar, MSRIT Post, Bangalore – 560 054 | 28/04/2009 |
75. | Faculty Training & Academic, Alliance Program (Centre of Excellence industry visits) – CSE/ISE | EMC2 | 08-01-2009 |
76. | Behavioral Science Research Centre - Memorandum of Understanding between IEM Dept. & Columbia / Stanford University – USA & National University of Singapore | Academia - Columbia / Stanford University – USA | 27/06/2008 |
77. | Post Graduate Diploma in Power Plant Engineering | JSW Energy Centre of Excellence | 2011 –2012 |
78. | Training on Mission 10x – CSE/ISE | WIPRO | 2009-2011 |
Sl. No. | Financial Year | Name of faculty (Chief Consultant) | Client Organization | Title of Consultancy of project | Amount received (in lakhs) |
1 |
2021 |
Dr. S Sethu Selvi |
DRDO Establishment LRDE, C V Raman Nagar, Bangalore – 93 |
Detection and Identification of Drones in Videos |
4.72 |
Dr. C G Raghavendra |
Swamy Vivekananda Vidya Kendra Trust, Sri Ramakrishna Road, Sir M. V. Extn., Bangalore Rural Dist, Karnataka, India |
ATAL Tinkering Lab at VGI, Hoskote |
4.82 |
Dr.Dhamodhar P; Dr.Ahalya N; Dr. Ravikumar YS |
ComBiotech, Bangalore |
Phytochemical Investigation and Biological significance of medicinal plants |
12 |
Dr. Bindu S |
IO Test Myeloid Activation Test in monitoring the progression of COVID-19 |
Beckman Coulter Life Science, Bengaluru |
15 |
Dr. C G Raghavendra |
Swamy Vivekananda Vidya Kendra Trust, Sri Ramakrishna Road, Sir M. V. Extn., Bangalore Rural Dist, Karnataka, India |
ATAL Tinkering Lab at VGI, Hoskote |
4.82 |
Mr. Prashanth Kumar |
Tech Machinery Labs |
Identification and creation of Techniques |
0.5 |
Mr. Suresh Kumar |
Tech Machinery Labs |
Work on methods to bring to best Practices |
0.5 |
Dr. Naresh E |
Tech Machinery Labs |
Flutter –based Mobile Application |
0.5 |
Dr. Sumana |
Tech Machinery Labs |
Development of prototype for detecting snakes in farm land using Edge computing algorithms |
0.5 |
Dr. Megha P Arekeri |
Tech Machinery Labs |
React based Application |
0.5 |
Dr. Vijay Kumar B P |
Tech Machinery Labs |
Full-stack development for TechMachinery Labs |
0.5 |
Dr. Shobha KR |
Elena Geo Systems Private Limited |
Development of a dedicated Website for GNSS technology |
0.5 |
Mr. Suresh Kumar |
Tech Machinery Labs |
Work on methods to bring to best Practices |
0.5 |
Dr. Shobha KR |
Elena Geo Systems Private Limited |
Maintenance of a GNSS 24/7 recording station |
0.5 |
Dr. M Nagabhushanam |
Gallent Electronic Controls, #C-313, 9th Cross, 3rd Main, Peenya Industrial Estate – 1st stage, Bangalore - 560058 |
Creating Automated Test JIG Using Micro controller for Power Conversion Products |
0.5 |
Dr D S Shridhar and Dr Y K Guruprasad |
Report on Non destructive testing of existing building : Jeevan building at Shivananada Circle , Bangalore |
0.5 |
Dr S Seema (Co-Investigator) |
Swachha eco Solutions Consultancy |
Website developement & maintainence |
0.51 |
Dr. Mamtha Mohan |
"S. G. Solars Contractors and Executors #4, R. R.NEST, Cellar Floor, 10th Cross, Mayura Street, Near Nikon Bengaluru Technical Center, RMV 2nd stage, Outer Ring Road, Bengaluru - 560094" |
IoT based remote monitoring system for solar power plants |
0.59 |
Dr R.Mourougane, B Suguna Rao and Sri Prashanth Sunagar |
Structural Assessment of Industrial Building for Feasibility for Mezzanine floor additional floor at Jigani |
0.59 |
Dr. Parimala P, Dr. Swetha A |
Elena Geo Systems |
Design and Development of Antenna |
0.6 |
Dr. M. Shilpa |
M/S. RCS Tech LLP, B'lore. |
Investigation of low code development opportunities and market research |
0.6 |
Kusuma S M |
TechMachinary Labs |
IoT and Edge Computing Development |
1 |
Dr. Vijay Kumar B P |
Tech Machinery Labs |
Full-stack development for TechMachinery Labs |
0.5 |
Dr A Saravanan |
Kothari Sugars and Chemicals Ltd, Lalgudi Taluk, Trichy, Tamil Nadu |
Consultancy work for Software development of ETP data |
1 |
Dr. Bindu S |
Bioman Technologies Pvt Ltd, Bengaluru |
Microbiological analysis of compose samples for bioremediation potential |
1 |
Dr. B K Sujatha, Mr.Premnath P M |
Digitrack Scientific Instruments |
2Mhz Function Generator |
1.05 |
Dr. Jyothirmayi M and Dr. Dinesh P. A. |
The Bangalore Kidney Stone hospital, Bangalore |
Design, fabrication and development of Medical DEVICES AND CIRCUITS |
1.18 |
Dr. Swetha Amit, Premnath P M |
Government Engineering College Hassan |
Antenna Testing |
1.18 |
Dr. Umesharaddy, Dr. Satish Tunga, Dr. B K Sujatha |
Agimus Technologies Pvt Ltd |
Design and Development of Agimus Pine Xilinx Artix 7 FPGA Kit |
1.2 |
Gangadharaiah S L |
"Tiranga Aerospace, #501 GG Complex, 4th Floor, 8th main road, HMT Layout, 3rd Block, Vidyaranyapura, Bangalore - 560097 " |
FPGA Implementation of MIL STD 1553B Protocol |
1.2 |
Dr Premila Manohar |
Dept. of Urology, Ramaiah Medical College (In collaboration with Zeonics Systech Defence and Aerospace Engineers Ltd, Bengaluru) |
Development of Electro Magnetic Shock Emitter (EMSE) coil used in Lithotripsy machine |
2 |
Dr. Y.M.Satish |
Samin Advisors Pvt. Ltd., |
Building Business for Financial Services firm" |
2 |
Dr. Parkavi A |
Wondersys Automation, Bangalore |
Data Science ML, Lecture Videos preparation |
2 |
Dr. Suma K V |
"Alvolved Technologies Pvt Ltd. Gundappa Road, Ramakrishnappa Layout, Nagashettyhalli, Bengaluru-560094 Contact: info@aivolved.in, +91-9902497961 " |
Biomedical Instrumentation |
2.36 |
Dr. Lakshmi Shrinivasan |
B2 Initiatives 14189 Regents Park, Frisco, TX 75035, EIN: 46-3447156 |
Design and Development of Digital Dashboard for Electric Vehicle(EV) |
2.36 |
Dr. Suma K V |
Euphonious Innovations Private Ltd., 75, 80 Feet Road, RMV 2nd stage, Ashwath Nagar, Armane Nagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka, - 560094 |
Cyber Physical Systems and AI |
2.97 |
Dr Vijaya kumar B P |
TechMachinery Labs |
Full-stack development for TechMachinery Labs |
3 |
2 |
2020 |
Dr. M. Shilpa |
M/S. Swachha Eco Solutions, B’lore. |
Identification and analysis of performance indicators of waste processing, integrated with design of corporate website to auto-update the indicators. |
0.51 |
Dr. T.Mohanasundaram |
CMV Global Clothings. Trippur |
Employee Engagement and Retention Strategy |
0.59 |
Dr Megha P Arekeri |
NextRu Livelihood private limited |
0.65 |
Dr Vijaya kumar B P |
Tech-Machinery & More Private Ltd completion date (17-03-2020) |
Internet of Things & Machine Learning Projects |
0.75 |
Dr. G. N. Anil kumar |
ECOF Industries Pvt. Ltd |
Testing of % free silica content in feldspar mineral powder |
1 |
Dr.P M Krishnaraj |
Develop and Development of Integrated enterprice software for their organization |
1 |
Dr. Mohana Kumara S |
"M/S Fiber Glass Insulation Plot no. 20, Sector –E Industrial Area govindpura Bhopal. Madya Pradesh" |
Testing service for the Heat resistance and Moisture resistance of Fiber Mica Sheet |
3 |
Dr H S Niranjana Murthy |
Flow and Force Engineers, Banashankari, Bengaluru 560026 |
Development and evaluation of the PLC based Faucet life testing machine |
2 |
Dr. Shilpa Chaudhari, Aparna R |
The University of Trans-Disciplinary Health Sciences and Technology, Bangalore |
Nutrition Database |
0.5 |
Dr. C.G. Raghavendra |
K. K. Constructions, Yelahanka, Bangalore |
IT Solutions for K. K. Constructions |
5.65 |
Dr. Anita Kanavalli, Dr. Dr. S Rajarajeswari, Dr. DR. J Geetha, Pramod C Sunagar-CO-PIs |
SNAM Alloys Pvt. Ltd, Hosur, TN |
Web Interface Development for CBTAS (Cloud Based Thermal Analysis System) |
8.25 |
Dr. C Siddaraju, Dr. Raji George, Dr. Sunith Babu L |
Snam Alloys Pvt. Ltd. |
Web interface for cloud based thermal analysis system |
8.25 |
Dr H S Niranjana Murthy |
SST Technologies, Kumarasawmy layout, Bengaluru 560078 |
Development of customized IoT boards (period: Dec 2020 to June 2021) |
0.5 |
Dr. PradipKumar Dixit |
Hindustan Aeronatics Limited, Bangalore |
Lightning Design evaluation of Light Utility Helicopter |
8.74 |
Dr. Bindu S |
Bharat Electronics Ltd, Bengaluru |
Microbilogical validation of UVGI surface sterilize equipment |
10.03 |
Dr Shivaprakash G |
ADD (Analog and Digital Devices), Abbigere, Bengaluru 560090 |
Consultancy and Technical guidance in the area of PLC based pneumatic and hydraulic experimental set up (period academic year 2020-21) |
0.5 |
3 |
2019 |
Dr. Pradipkumar Dixit |
Advanced systems Laboratory, DRDO, Hyderabad |
23.30 |
Dr. Mohana Kumara S |
M/S BPSS Gujarat |
IT Solutions to MEP Design Work and Evaluation |
2.00 |
Dr. C Siddaraju and Dr. Vijaykumar |
Snam Alloys Pvt. Ltd. |
Development of Mathematical Algorithms to identify key thermal parametres from cooling curves during solidification of cast iron melt |
1.77 |
Dr. VijayaKumar (Principal Investigator), Dr. Siddaraju C (Co - Investigator) |
Snam Alloys Pvt. Ltd. |
Development of Mathematical Algorithms to Identify key thermal parameters from cooling curves during solodification of cast iron melt |
1.5 |
Dr. Shilpa Chaudhari, Aparna R |
The University of Trans-Disciplinary Health Sciences and Technology, Bangalore |
Drug Discovey Platform |
0.5 |
Gangadharaiah S L |
Knoux Innovation Pvt. Ltd, Vijaynagar, Bangalore-560040 |
Design and Implementation of FPGA based Adaptive filters |
0.5 |
4 |
2018 |
Dr. Pradipkumar Dixit |
Centre for Air Borne Systems, Bangalore |
Design & Development of IVG and HCG Systems at CABS |
44.49 |
5 |
2017 |
Dr P Murali Krishna |
Boeing |
Environmental friendly coatings: To replace chrome based conversion coatings with chrome free coatings |
38.89 |
Dr. N. Sriraam - PI |
Infrared Thermo graphic Imaging for Population Screening and Diagnostic Testing for Breast Cancer- A study on early screening and detection (ITIPSD) |
23.92 |
6 |
2015 – 2016 |
Dr. R Prabhakara and Faculty of Civil Engg Dept. |
Bhagirath Construction Company |
Geotechnical and structural analysis |
27.25 |
Dr. Pradipkumar Dixit |
Karnataka State Power Transmission Council Lth, Bangalore |
Electric field and RoW estimation of 66kV covered conductor |
0.50 |
7 |
2014 – 2015 |
Dr. R Prabhakara and Faculty of Civil Engg Dept. |
Bhagirath Construction Company |
Geotechnical and structural analysis |
25.50 |
8 |
2013 – 20 14 |
Dr. Pradipkumar Dixit |
Aeronautical Development Agency |
Test support, evaluation of LCA LRUs and Augmentation of Lightning Test Facility |
49.50 |