Dr. N. V. R. Naidu
Principal, Ramaiah Institute of TechnologyN V R Naidu graduated in Mechanical Engineering from Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupathi in the year 1980. He further pursued his M.Tech in Industrial Engineering in the year 1982 and obtained his Ph.D from the same university.
Dr. NVR Naidu has been serving the teaching profession with a great devotion for 36 long years. He started his career in 1982 as a Lecturer in the prestigious M.S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore. He has grown to the level of Principal serving the institution at various levels and capacities. He was the HoD in the Department of IEM from June 2006 to February 2014, HoD in the Department of Mechanical Engineering Jan 2014 to June 2014, Vice Principal from March 2012 to May 2014 and currently the Principal from June 2014.
Dr NVR Naidu is a recipient of Dr J Mahajan Award for the year 2008-09 awarded by Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering for his outstanding contribution in the field of education and research and also his name is listed in Marquis Who is Who in the World, USA in the year 2011. He is also the recipient of Prof. B.G. Raghavendra Memorial Award by ORSI, Kolkata for the best technical paper in stream of Operations Research.
Dr. NVR Naidu is well recognized for his research. He has presented and published over 160 research papers in various National and International referred Journals and conferences. He is a reviewer for various reputed National and International journals. He has presided over as session chair in various National and International conferences. He has authored nine textbooks in the fields of Management and Entrepreneurship, Total Quality Management, Metrology and Quality Control, Engineering Economy, Operations Research and Production and Operations Management.
Dr.NVR Naidu is the adjudicator for Ph.D thesis for various universities across India. He has produced 7 doctorates in the areas of robust design, design and development of production systems, supply chain network and design of experiments.
Dr. NVR Naidu has visited various countries including the USA, Japan, Canada, Dubai and Sri Lanka to collaborate and enhance the Industry-Institution interaction. He is credited with executing a number of DST, AICTE and VTU funded programs. He is an invited speaker for various seminars and workshops by Industry and the Institutions across the country and abroad. He has guided about 80 applied projects in the fields of Production, Industrial Engineering and Management many of which are successfully implemented.
Dr. NVR Naidu holds various prestigious positions in theVisvesvaraya Technological University (VTU)includingMember of Executive Council (E.C), Member of Academic Senateand Dean Faculty of Engineering and the Chairman of the Board of Studies. He is also a Member of Governing Body and Academic Councils of various prestigious Institutions.
He is a fellow member of various professional bodies. He provides thought leadership and guidance to various academic bodies and is a board of studies member of many prestigious academic and research institutions. He is a subject expert member at various prestigious engineering educational organizations.
Currently, Dr Naidu is the Principal of M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore an institute of excellence.