Facilities Provided At Hostel
- Well-appointed rooms for single/double/triple occupancy with attached/common bath rooms with hot water.
- Two spacious halls for comfortable dining.
- Breakfast, lunch, evening snacks and special dinner is provided by the mess comprising of both North and South Indian food items. The Mess Committee made up of student representatives from different parts of the country decide the mess menu on cost sharing.
- Eight heavy duty washing machines in the old block provide for free laundry services.
- Ironing of clothes at subsidized rates.
- Large recreation halls equipped with LED TV's, newspapers and magazines in each of the three hostel blocks.
- Indoor and outdoor games facilities.
- Availability of light refreshments from the canteen up to 12 midnight.
- Health center with a senior doctor for consultation and treatment available from Monday to Saturday between 5 pm and 7 pm. Medicines are supplied free of cost.
- Round the clock security to all blocks. Additional security at blocks occupied by freshers.
- RO drinking water from the in-house plant.
- Guest rooms for visitors which are charged according to availability.
- Cabled/ Wi-Fi internet provided at nominal charges.
Hostel Rules
- Only bonafide students of MSRIT and others that are specially permitted by the Director or his nominees will be given accommodation in the hostel.
- The Gokula Education Foundation Trust manages the MSR Hostels (Engg) under the direction and control of the Principal of MSRIT through the Warden and the Officials appointed by him.
- Students who require hostel accommodation should pay the hostel and mess deposits, room rent and other hostel charges for the full term at the time of joining. All the payments and the deposits should be made in Vijaya Bank, MSRIT branch.
- The allotment of rooms will be made on a first come, first served basis. No change is permitted unless the concerned authorities are personally satisfied that such a change can be allowed. Permission is to be recorded in writing. In case of roommates wishing to continue in the same room with each other for the next term also, they have to remit the hostel deposits together on the same date before vacation starts. They should get the room allotted and occupy the room before commencement of the next term.
- All those admitted to the hostel should give an
acknowledgment for the furniture and fittings handed over
to their charge. At the time of leaving the hostel during
or after completion of the course, they will be required
to hand over the furniture and fittings to the hostel
office and will be chargeable for any damages.
No extra furniture or electrical fittings are allowed in the rooms without the written permission of the Warden. Fines will be levied if found damaging hostel property such as electrical and plumbing fittings, furniture etc. COOKING IN THE ROOMS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. - Members are required to bring their own
mattresses, mosquito nets and other necessary items.
Though watch and ward arrangements are provided, the MSRIT
shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to the
resident's property or things.
The occupants are requested to bring their own lock and key for locking their respective rooms and will be responsible for the safety of their belongings.
Members who expect to be away from the hostel for short periods exceeding 24 hours shall inform the Warden of their absence along with the probable time of their return. Absence from the hostel without permission for more than a month may entail cancellation of the accommodation and the adjustment of the deposit towards dues.
Notice of intention to vacate a room must be given in writing in the prescribed form kept in the hostel office. Change of room, except in cases where consent by authorities is given, is not permitted. - Students who have been allotted new rooms will
have to shift to the new accommodation within two days
from the date of allotment and hand over the possession of
old room or cancel the new allotment in writing.
Keeping both rooms beyond the stipulated period (two days after allotment) will attract a penal fee at guest rates i.e., Rs. 300/- per day till the possession of one of the rooms is handed over to the hostel authorities. - The security deposit is refunded only at the end
of the final year when the student leaves the hostel. This
deposit is subject to deduction of cost of any loss /
damage to the furniture & fittings.
The maintenance charge collected will include reading / recreation room charges. The cost may be revised from time to time, if necessary.
Students shall not keep any valuables or objectionable articles in the rooms.
Students shall not write or display questionable slogans, posters, flags in his/her room or anywhere in the premises. Rooms/premises are to be kept clean. - Residents will have to pay the hostel deposits /
fees as applicable.
Students shall vacate the hostel as soon as they complete their course.
Their stay in the hostel after the stipulated time without prior permission from the Warden shall be treated as unauthorized stay and action will be taken to take possession of the seat/room in addition to charging rent of Rs.300/- per day. - Consumption of alcoholic beverages, drugs, smoking of cigarettes etc., in the hostel premises is strictly banned. If found indulging in such activities, students will be expelled from the hostel and their deposits will be forfeited.
General Guidelines
- Hostel members should use water and electricity economically.
- Heaters or similar electrical appliances are not allowed. They should not meddle with the fittings already in their rooms or make any additional connections.
- Smoking and consumption of alcoholic beverages in the hostel premises is an offence and will incur serious punishment.
- Members should avoid causing disturbances to other residents.
- Boarders should return to the hostel before 10.30 p.m. The hostel main gate, once closed at 10.30 p.m., will not be opened till 6.00 a.m. the next day. No resident will be allowed to enter the hostel during this period under any circumstances.
- If it is absolutely necessary to go out, he shall make an application in writing to the Warden stating the reason to obtain prior permission.
- It is important that absolute silence is maintained after 10.00 p.m.
- Any type of loud talking, shouting, singing, playing musical instruments or indulging in activities that would affect the peaceful atmosphere required for studies is prohibited.
- Only student’s parents/guardian are permitted to stay in the hostel guest rooms for a period of not more than two days. Allotment shall be subject to availability.
- The key of the room should always be in the resident's possession. Handing over the key to any non-resident for the casual use of the room is strictly prohibited. Keeping the keys on the door or window frame is not advised.
- Guests/Parents are not allowed to stay in the rooms along with the students. They can be accommodated in the guest rooms on written permission from the Warden/Manager on prescribed guest charges.
- All Hostel and Mess staff work under the Council of Wardens. Discrepancies in service, if any, should be brought to the notice of the Council of Wardens.
- Three Committees, viz., Mess and Purchase Committee, Infrastructure and Maintenance Committee and Vigilance and Discipline Committee constituted by the Hostel Management for every academic year will assist the Council of Wardens to run and maintain the hostel and mess in an efficient and hospitable manner.
All the Committees will report directly to Council of Wardens for redressal of their problems. The term of the Committee shall be one academic year. In case of delay in formation of the new Committee, the Council of Wardens may request the Committee in office to continue till a new Committee is formed
These Committees shall take active interest in general welfare of the students residing in the hostel and assist the Council of Wardens in maintaining the living standards and suggest improvements.
Accommodation is provided in the hostel on the condition that the member shall put in complete attendance in the college and in the hostel and maintain good academic records.
They will also report any unauthorized use of hostel and bring to the notice any untoward incidence occurring in the hostel premises.
Such Hostel residents who wish to
vacate the hostel either in the beginning or during the
academic session is eligible for refunds as per the guide
lines detailed below:
Admission fee of Rs.1000/- shall be deducted and balance will be refunded.
75% of Rent and Maintenance charges and balance of Mess Advance shall be refunded.
50% of Rent and Maintenance charges and balance of Mess Advance shall be refunded.
Only balance of Mess Advance at their credit shall be refunded.
5. Security Deposit, however, will be refunded only after completing the course or officially being relieved from MSRIT.
Mess Rules
- A vegetarian mess is being run on self-service and dividing system. Every student of the MSRIT is automatically a boarder at the time of admission to the hostel.
- Every boarder shall see to it that, congenial atmosphere is maintained in the dining hall to enable the staff to do their job effectively.
- No boarder shall enter into a quarrel or unnecessary discussion with staff or co-boarders.
- Outside food is not allowed into the dining hall/hostel premises except purchased from the stores situated within the premises.
- Service in the mess shall be as per the scheduled timings only.
- There shall be no service to the rooms and food will not be preserved for late comers.
- Mess Committee formed shall constitute representation from all semesters who will specify the Menu and quantity to be served and no boarder shall question the Committee's authority to do so or work at cross purposes.
- The menu so specified by the Mess Committee will be duly approved by the Warden, to have an effective control over the cost.
- The Mess Committee will act as an advisory body and report to the Warden about the quality of food and on the general cleanliness in and around the mess.
- The Committee will also bring to the notice about the quality of service being given by the Mess Staff.
- Rebates will be given only for absence from the mess for two consecutive days and more for which, due intimation is required one day in advance for recording the absence in the register kept for the purpose in the dining hall with the Mess Supervisor.
- No requests are entertained for the mess absence on the same day.
- Absence for more than 10 days in a month may be considered under extraordinary circumstances for which Warden's approval is mandatory
- The Manager with the assistance of Superintendent shall ensure that, the items being prepared are as per the menu finalized by the Mess Committee.
Any change in the menu shall be brought to the notice of the Warden for taking necessary action. In case of any disagreement, the decision given by the Warden shall be final and binding.
The mess will remain open normally during the following timings and will be closed after lunch on every Saturday.
Monday to Saturday |
Timings |
Breakfast (Mon - Sat) |
7.30 A.M to 9.30 A.M |
Lunch (Mon - Sat) |
12.00 P.M to 2.15 P.M |
Snacks & Tea (Mon - Fri) |
4.30 P.M to 5.30 P.M |
Dinner (Mon - Fri) |
7.30 P.M to 9.30 P.M |
Sunday and Holidays |
Timings |
Breakfast |
8.00 A.M to 10.00 A.M |
Lunch |
12.30 P.M to 2.30 P.M |
Snacks & Tea |
4.30 P.M to 5.30 P.M |
Dinner |
7.30 P.M to 9.30 P.M |
Hostel Charges
The charges applicable vary for type of accommodation at various hostel blocks. At the time of admission to the hostel, the fees / deposit are to be paid under the following account heads:
1. Mess Advance Deposit
2. Amenity Charges
3. Hostel Maintenance Charges and Admission fees
4. Refundable Security Deposit
Mess charges as per daily rate will be deducted from the Mess Deposit amount depending on the number of days of mess facility utilized by the student and the balance amount remaining will be notified every month. At the end of the term, balance amount, if any, will be carried over to the next term or refunded if the course is completed.
Mess accounting is done from 1st to the last day of a particular month.
It is mandatory for all the students to open a Bank Account at the Vijaya Bank, MSRIT Branch for smooth & early financial transactions.
General Information
- Permission will be granted to boarders to possess a vehicle but at their own risk.
- No guests are permitted to stay with any boarder.
- In case of serious illness of a boarder, a male relative or a friend will be allowed to stay with him for a specific period at the discretion of the Warden / Manager.
- Room allotted is not transferable.
- If the boarder has a visitor, he may be entertained for a brief period in the room after entries are made by him in the log book maintained by the watch and ward.
- If any guest is found to be living in any room without the knowledge of the Warden/Manager, the residents of the room will be charged Rs.300/- per day. Repeated violation of this norm may invite severe penalties including expulsion from the hostel.
- Contributions of the boarders to any fund for any functions of sorts is not allowed. Dignitaries and invitees from other colleges are not allowed to lecture within the premises without the written permission of the Warden.
- Celebration of any festival, birthday parties or
event of any provincial, national or international
importance shall not be allowed without the knowledge or
permission of the Warden. Such celebrations, if permitted
by Warden, shall be confined to the hostel only and
carried out in a manner so that the co-boarders, visitors
or others in the locality are not affected.
No ragging is permitted in the premises of the hostel. Anyone indulging in ragging will face stiff punishment and is liable to be expelled from the hostel. - Unauthorized occupation of rooms, capturing rooms, sub-letting rooms and allowing any other student to live in their room will result in the cancellation of the student’s accommodation in the hostel.
- In such cases, the Principal / Warden may confiscate the student’s deposit, penalize the student for such acts and may be expelled from the hostel without notice.
- A boarder found to violate the rules and regulations or indulge in activities not conducive to maintaining the discipline of the hostel shall be liable for punishment as imposed by the Principal / Warden.
- A boarder may take grievances to the Warden who shall make efforts for redressal of those that are genuine.
- Additions or any modifications to these rules/regulations will be notified whenever necessary and they will be binding on the boarders.
- Health Care Center is being maintained in the
hostel premises with a senior doctor available for
consultation. Check-ups and medicines are provided free of
The Health Care Center/Dispensary is functional from 5.00 p.m. to 7.00 p.m. on all week days except on Sundays.