Activities Conducted
- Internship/Training provided (Oct 2020-Aug 2021)
- Trained Mr. Shreyas J. Kashyap (B.E (Chemical Engineering, 2016-2020) as an intern in the Centre. He is pursuing M.Tech at the University of Hyderabad from August 2021.
- Published 4 research articles in Scopus indexed journals.
- Ph.D research scholar (Feb 2022 onwards)
- Mrs. Jayalakshmi, a regular research scholar, is conducting her research work at the Centre (Supervisor: Dr. KRV Subramanian).
- Published 2 research articles in Scopus indexed journals.
- Providing quality centre data for various institute accreditation processes
- CAMT is providing base data and figures for accreditation processes like NAAC, NBA, ATAL ranking, DSIR, etc.
- Auditors and Visitors are visiting the Centre for evaluation.
- Established material characterization facilities for both internal and external users (Aug 2020- till date)
Number of samples analyzed:
- Internal: 2255
- External: 548
- Total: 2803
Income generated from external users: Rs. 3,12,830/-
Number of samples analyzed:
- Hands on workshop on XRD by Bruker representative
- Training to workshop participants from MSR arts and science college and other local degree colleges