Thrust Research Areas
Advanced Nanomaterials
- Development of advanced oxide nanomaterials for hydrogen gas production.
- Development of nanocomposites for high temperature sequestration of carbon dioxide.
- Development of thermal interface nanomaterials and nanomaterials for solar energy.
- Carbon nanotubes and graphene research.
- Nanothermoelectrics.
- Nanofabrication and nanodevice.
- Carbon quantum dots
- Polymeric aerospace materials and composites
Nanocomposites for Energy Storage and Conversion Devices
- Nanocomposites for supercapacitor and battery applications.
- Electrocatalysts for electrochemical applications: Electrochemical CO2 reduction, Water electrolysis, and Redox flow batteries.
- Nanofluids for heat transfer applications.
- Devices for ammonia conversion
Nano / Biomaterials
- Green-mediated synthesis of nanomaterials.
- Nanotechnology and nanomaterials for cancer therapy.
- Synthesis and characterization of nano-metal oxide complexes & nanomaterial-drug conjugates.
- Application of nanomaterials and nanocomposites in photocatalytic degradation/removal of pollutants.
- Luminescent nanomaterials (quantum dots) for biological applications: Biosensing & bioimaging.
Nano Coatings, Sensors And Actuators
- Nanocoatings of polymers for mechanical & chemical applications.
- Nanomaterials and nanocomposites as enzymeless biosensors.
- Development of sensors & actuators using Nanocomposites
56 research scholars and 27 PhD supervisors involved in CAMT from RIT Apart from that, external users, UG and PG students of RIT
External Funded Projects (from Feb 2020)
- Submitted individual as well as joint proposals to various funding agencies (DST, SERB, CSIR, VTU, Boeing, RIT etc.)
- Funding acquired:
- Boeing – Dr. Madhu - 20 lakhs
- VTU/MSRIT – Dr. Nagaraju/ Dr. Madhu - 10 lakhs
- DST-SERB – Dr. Ravi - 44 lakhs
- Total amount received- 74 lakhs
- Research work is initiated at the Centre
Interdisciplinary research at the Centre (from Oct 2021) onwards
- Selected students from various departments to initiate interdisciplinary research at the Centre
- Made three research groups with lead research supervisors on 22/12/2021: (9th MOM,22/12/2021)
- Energy and Nanomaterials
- Composite Materials
- Mathematical Modelling
- Initiated literature survey on nanomaterials by Dr. Kottam
- Procured required chemicals, glassware and miscellaneous items
- Procured Glove box and Sputtering unit equipments
- Arranged research facilities: Fume hood, Weighing balance, Vacuum Oven, Muffle Furnace, Hot air Oven, pH meter, Hot plate with a stirrer, KBr pellet press
- Acquired Redox Flow Battery and Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy for Energy research (Redox Flow Battery is installed)
Research Outcome (June 2020 to date)
- Patents Filed: 12
- Patents Granted: 2
- Journal Papers published: 40
- Journal Papers communicated: 10
- Books published: 2
- Book chapters published: 4
- Proposals submitted to various agencies: around 20
- Funded projects: 3 nos. (total 74 lakhs)