- Centre for Advanced Materials Technology
- Centre for Imaging Technologie
- Centre for Cyber Physical Systems
- Centre for Antennas and Radio Frequency Systems
- Schneider Centre of Excellence on Building Automation
- Virtual Instrumentation using LabVIEW
- Electric Drives control using Texas Instruments’ C2000 MCUs
- Apple Authorised Training Centre for Education
- Simulation Lab for Signal and Image Processing
- Center for Bio and Energy Materials Innovation (CBEM!)
Simulation Lab for Signal and Image Processing
Name of the Industries MoU - Samsung Prism
Equipment’s Available
- No of Computers- 65 (Dell Optiplex Desktop)
- Matlab R2021b, Licenced version (Renewal Every Year) Unlimited users
- DSP Starter Kit TMS320C6713 (15 nos)
- TK-base boards(MSP430, Arm-7) with interfaces
- Matlab accessible through college credentials