- Centre for Advanced Materials Technology
- Centre for Imaging Technologie
- Centre for Cyber Physical Systems
- Centre for Antennas and Radio Frequency Systems
- Schneider Centre of Excellence on Building Automation
- Virtual Instrumentation using LabVIEW
- Electric Drives control using Texas Instruments’ C2000 MCUs
- Apple Authorised Training Centre for Education
- Simulation Lab for Signal and Image Processing
- Center for Bio and Energy Materials Innovation (CBEM!)
Schneider Centre of Excellence on Building Automation
Name of the Industries MoU - Schneider Electric, Bangalore.
Equipment’s and Facilities
- Home Automation System Panels (05 No’s)
- Building Management System Panels (05 No’s)
- Fire Alarm System Panels (05 No’s)
- CCTV and Access Control Panels (05 No’s)
- Wiring Cubicle’s (09 No’s)
- Computer systems with 2 monitors (20 No’s)
- Computer systems with single monitor (02 No’s)
- UPS (22 No’s)
- AC (03 No’s)
- Table and chairs for staff
- Stools for students
- Consumable and Non-Consumable items