- Centre for Advanced Materials Technology
- Centre for Imaging Technologie
- Centre for Cyber Physical Systems
- Centre for Antennas and Radio Frequency Systems
- Schneider Centre of Excellence on Building Automation
- Virtual Instrumentation using LabVIEW
- Electric Drives control using Texas Instruments’ C2000 MCUs
- Apple Authorised Training Centre for Education
- Simulation Lab for Signal and Image Processing
- Center for Bio and Energy Materials Innovation (CBEM!)
Centre for Cyber Physical Systems
Name of the Industries MoU
- Robert Bosch Centre for Cyber-Physical Systems, IISc, Bangalore
- NVIDIA Corporation
- Li2 Technologies
Equipment Available
Details of Equipment/Facilities:
- 4 x NVIDIA Titan-X Pascal GPUs with 32 GB RAM each
- Intel Xeon 20-core Processor
- 512 GB DDR4 RAM
- Secondary memory: 8TB SSD
- OS: Linux Ubuntu
- Python DL Platforms: Pytorch, Tensorflow/Keras
- Other HPC/DL frameworks can be added via Docker images provided by NVIDIA
- 24/7 Operation supported by 10 KVA UPS
- Can be used from anywhere in MSRIT campus via LAN access
- Outside MSRIT Access via AnyDesk/VPN Tunnelling
- 10 x 2 GB Nano Boards
- 10 x 4 GB Nano Boards