- Centre for Advanced Materials Technology
- Centre for Imaging Technologie
- Centre for Cyber Physical Systems
- Centre for Antennas and Radio Frequency Systems
- Schneider Centre of Excellence on Building Automation
- Virtual Instrumentation using LabVIEW
- Electric Drives control using Texas Instruments’ C2000 MCUs
- Apple Authorised Training Centre for Education
- Simulation Lab for Signal and Image Processing
- Center for Bio and Energy Materials Innovation (CBEM!)
Centre for Antennas and Radio Frequency Systems (CARFS)
CARFS is engaged in advanced research, design, innovation, training and consultation in the field of Antennas and Radio Frequency subsystems for Wireless Systems
To be a leader in the field of Antennas and Radio Frequency technologies for Wireless Systems
To engage in advanced research, design, innovation, training, and consultation in the field of Antennas and Radio Frequency technologies for Wireless Systems.
- To conduct Advanced Research leading to innovations in the areas of Antennas and RF systems.
- To offer Consultancy Services and to seek external Funding from the government agencies and industry.
- To collaborate with Industrial partners in the design and development of novel Antennas and RF systems for applications in wireless systems.
- To offer Workshops and short term courses to train Engineers in the Wireless Industry.
- Train students in the Research and Design of Antennas and RF systems.
- To publish Journal articles and Patents.
- External R&D funding
- Enhance consultancy projects at CARFS
- Conduct advanced training on RF design and Testing facility for Antenna researchers
- Provide Internship for UG, PG students in designing and testing antenna and RF devices
- Enhance Research Publications and Patents
Members of CARFS
Dr. Viswanath Talasila,Professor and Head, Department of ETE
Dr. Maya V. Karki,Professor and Head, Department of ECE
Dr.Parimala.P, Assistant Professor, Department of ETE
Dr. Sujatha.B, Professor, Department of ECE
Members of CARFS
Dr. S Imaculate Rosaline, Assistant Professor, ECE (rosaline@msrit.edu)
Dr. V Nuthan Prasad, Assistant Professor, ETE (nuthan.v@msrit.edu)
Mrs.Nisha S. L, Assistant Professor, ETE (nisha_sln@msrit.edu)
Mrs. Flory Francis, Assistant Professor, ECE (flory.f@msrit.edu)
Mrs. Akshatha Kori, Assistant Professor, ETE (kori.akshu@msrit.edu)
Faculty Advisors
Dr. Prasad Shastry, FIETE, SM IEEE
Professor of Microwave and Wireless Engineering, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Bradley University, Peoria, Illinois, U.S.A.
Dr. K J Vinoy, FIETE, M IEEE
Professor, Electrical Communication Engineering Chair, Centre for Scientific & Industrial Consultancy. Convener, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore India
Technical Staff
Mr. Premnath P M, Instructor,ETE (te_premnath@msrit.edu)
- Karthikeya, GS, Koul, SK, Poddar, AK, Rohde, U., “Compact Bent-Corner Orthogonal Beam Switching Antenna Module for 5G Mobile Devices”, J Electromagn Eng Sci. 2022;22(1):74-83 (Q2 Journal, In collaboration with IIT Delhi and Synergy Microwave Corporation, USA)
- Sadananda, Karthikeya G., Issa Elfergani, Chemseddine Zebiri, Jonathan Rodriguez, Shiban K. Koul, and Raed A. Abd-Alhameed. 2022. "A Wide-Angle Pattern Diversity Antenna System for mmWave 5G Mobile Terminals" Electronics 11, no. 4: 571 (Q2 Journal, in collaboration with IIT Delhi and Instituto de Telecomunicações, Portugal)
- Siddaraju Meghana, Gulur Sadananda Karthikeya, Bagepalli Keshavappa Sujatha, and Prabhakar Parimala, "A Super Wideband Washable Antenna Demonstrated on Flannel," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 102, 95-100, 2022 (Q3, journal article, Project based on the Master’s thesis)
- Somanatha Pai Swapna, Gulur Sadananda Karthikeya, Shiban Kishen Koul, and Ananjan Basu, "Wide-Band Directional Cavity Antenna with Low Scanning Loss for WLAN," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 118, 231-245, 2022 (Q3 Journal, in collaboration with IIT Delhi)
- Akshata S K, Trupthi Raj, Gaana H, Vanshika Gupta, “Tracking RF Source Location in Real-Time Applications”, Nat. Volatiles & Essent. Oils, 2021; 8(6): 905-911; ISSN: 2148-9637
- Venkatesh Nuthan Prasad, Eshwar Dhanush Gowda, Krishnappa Indira, Ananya Kodukula, and Diksha Arora, "Design of Hemispherical Patch Antenna with Conformally Spaced Log-Periodic Elements for Multi-Directional and Multi-Band Operation," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 118, 187-198, 2022. doi:10.2528/PIERC21100402
- Venkatesh Nuthan Prasad, Eshwar Dhanush Gowda, Krishnappa Indira, Ananya Kodikula, Bhavan B. Rao, "RIT Logo based Slotted PLPCMA Multi-Band Patch Antenna," International Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, vol. 16, pp. 773-779, 2022 doi: 10.46300/9106.2022.16.95
- Kumar, A., Imaculate Rosaline, S. Hybrid half-mode SIW cavity-backed diplex antenna for on-body transceiver applications. Appl. Phys. A 127, 834 October 14, (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00339- 021-04978-9
- Pooja, N. and Imaculate Rosaline, S., 2021. CPW FED Arc-Loaded-Slotted Rectangular Patch Antenna for UWB Applications. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (2021) (pp. 489-498). Springer Singapore.
- Rosaline, S. Imaculate. "Split Ring Loaded Inverted L Shaped Monopole for Wideband Applications." Advances in Electrical and Computer Technologies: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering; (2021): 499.
- Kallur, R.S. and Rosaline, S.I., 2021. CPW Fed Slotted Triangular Patch Antenna for WLAN Applications. In Advances in Electrical and Computer Technologies: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (2021) (pp. 257-266). Springer Singapore.
- Arvind Kumar G, Mahendra S J, Vanitha K M, Panchami Prabhu, Ashwini K S. “Dolphin shaped patch antenna with edge and coaxial feeds” Review of International Geographical Education Online (rigeo)., vol 11, no.10, ISSN: 2146-0353. Doi: doi: 10.13140/rg.2.2.23108.76162 (Q3)
- Nisha S.L , Harish S Prabhu, “ Design and Implementation of Dual Band Antenna Based Unmanned Vehicle for search and Rescue Operations” Journal of Natural Volatiles & Essent. Oils., 2021; 8(6) pg: 1158 – 1166
- Nikhil Purohit, S. Imaculate Rosaline, "Novel RF Energy Harvesting Using Rectenna", InternationalConference on Advances in Physical Sciences and Materials, 12-13 August 2021
- S. Imaculate Rosaline, "Metamaterial Inspired Multi-Split Square Shaped Printed Antenna for WLAN applications", International Conference on Advances in Physical Sciences and Materials, 12-13 August 2021
- Arieb Ashraf Sofi, ,Swetha Amit, ,B K Sujatha “” ,3D-FDTD Analysis of Fractal Antenna Using PML Boundary Conditions” Global Transitions Proceedings Volume 2, Issue 1., https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gltp.2021.08.029 Global Transitions Proceedings Scopus INDEXED conference
- S. Amit, V. Talasila, C. R. Nagaveni, C. K. Subbaraya, D. S. Mahesh and P. M. Premnath, "Design and Development of Wearable Antenna integrated with RF Transceiver for Health Monitoring System," 2020 International Conference on Recent Trends on Electronics, Information, Communication & Technology (RTEICT), Bangalore, India, 2020, pp. 242-246, DOI: 10.1109/RTEICT49044.2020.9315674.
- Pruthvi T, Keerthana V, Sowmini S, Syed Fauzan, Dr.Parimala.P., “Meanderline Pattern Wearable Textile Antenna for Position Identification in Military applications", 3rd International conference on Intelligent Data Communication Technologies and Internet Of things (ICICI-2020), JCT College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, 27-28th August 2020, Page 796-806, ICICI -2020 Conference proceedings, Springer Publication.
- Swetha Amit, Viswanath Talasila, Nagaveni Satish, C K Subbaraya, Mahesh D S, Premnath P M, “Design and Development of Wearable Antenna integrated with RF Transceiver for Health Monitoring System” 2020 IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information & Communication Technology (RTEICT-2020), Bangalore, 2020
- Deepa Pattar, Preeti Dongaokar , Nisha S L, Swetha Amith., “Design and Implementation of Metamaterial Based Patch antenna” 2020 IEEE International Conference for Innovation in Technology (INOCON), 978-1-7281-9744-9/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE
- Rakshan T A., Syed Fauzan, and Swetha Amit, “Study and Analysis in reduction of Specific Absorbtion Rate (SAR) in Human body using Wearable Antenna for BAN Applications” 2019 4th International Conference on Recent Trends on Electronics, Information, Communication & Technology (RTEICT-2019), MAY 17th & 18th 2019
Academic Year |
Dept. of ETE Amount |
Dept. of ECE Amount |
Total Amount |
2019 |
21,300/- |
21,300/- |
2020 |
20,000/- |
20,000/- |
2021 |
1,33,460/- |
14,800/- |
1,48,260/- |
2022 |
14,660/- |
14,660/- |
Total: 1,89,420/- |
Total: 14,800/- |
Total: 2,04,220/- |
Sl.no |
Project Title |
Sanction Number |
Funded by |
Date of Sanction |
Amount Sanctioned |
Principal Investigator/Co- investigator |
1 |
Design of RF Filters, Log-periodic antenna at C-band |
TL/MSRIT/Cons ultancy/19-20 |
TechniLab Instruments |
30-11-2019 |
20,000/- |
Dr. Swetha Amit Dr.ViswanathTalasila |
2 |
Fabrication of Patch Antenna |
- |
Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology, Bangalore |
08-02-2020 |
1300/- |
Dr. Swetha Amit Dr.ViswanathTalasila Premnath P M |
3 |
Antenna Design and Fabricarion Training for Four Students |
- |
Adichunchanagiri Institute of Technology Chickamagalur |
02-03-2020 |
20,000/- |
Dr. Swetha Amit Dr.ViswanathTalasila Premnath P M |
4 |
Testing of zero bias RF detector |
TechniLab Instruments |
13-02-2021 |
10,000/- |
Dr. Swetha Amit Dr.ViswanathTalasila Premnath P M |
5 |
Design and Development of Antenna |
EGS/BLR/32/Proj |
Elena Geo Systems |
23-02-2021 |
60,000/- |
Dr. Parimala P |
6 |
Antenna Testing |
- |
Government Engineering College Hassan |
12-04-2021 |
11,800/- |
Dr. Swetha Amit Premnath P M |
7 |
Antenna Testing |
- |
Government Engineering College, Gujarat |
12-04-2021 |
5,900/- |
Dr. Swetha Amit Premnath P M |
8 |
Testing of Antenna |
PO5000040858 |
BEL (Bharath Electronics Limited) |
28-08-2021 |
8000/- |
Dr. B K Sujatha Premnath P M |
9 |
Testing of Antenna |
- |
Government college of Engineering Salem Tamilnadu |
12-08-2021 |
3000/- |
Dr. S Imaculate Rosalin Premnath P M |
10 |
Testing of Antenna |
RFMS/MSRIT/Co nsultancy/001/2 021-22 |
RFMS Design and Engineering |
21-09-2021 |
3540/- |
Dr. B K Sujatha Premnath P M |
11 |
Testing of Antenna |
- |
NIT, Durgapur |
07-10-2021 |
4,720/- |
Dr. B K Sujatha Premnath P M |
12 |
Testing of Antenna |
- |
Proudhadeveraya Institute of Technology, |
12-11-2021 |
2,360/- |
Dr. B K Sujatha Premnath P M |
13 |
Testing of Antenna |
TL/MSRIT/Cons ultancy/2021-22 |
Technilab Instruments |
08-11-2021 |
18,000/- |
Dr. B K Sujatha Dr. G S Karthikeya Premnath P M |
14 |
Testing of Antenna |
RFMS/MSRIT/Co nsultancy/002/2 021-22 |
RFMS Design and Engineering |
04-12-2021 |
9500/- |
Dr. B K Sujatha Dr. G S Karthikeya Premnath P M |
15 |
Testing of Antenna |
- |
Giani Zail Singh Campus College of Engineering & Technology Punjab |
04-12-2021 |
9440/- |
Dr. B K Sujatha Premnath P M |
16 |
Consultation |
- |
NIT, Durgapur |
07-10-2021 |
2,000/- |
Dr. G S Karthikeya Premnath P M |
17 |
Testing of Antenna |
AFS/MSRIT/202 2/02 |
Antenna Fidelity Solutions |
06-01-2022 |
7,080/- |
Dr. G S Karthikeya Premnath P M |
18 |
Testing of Antenna |
- |
iTriangle Infotech Pvt. Ltd |
23-03-2022 |
6,400/- |
Dr. G S Karthikeya Premnath P M |
19 |
Testing of Antenna |
AFS/MSRIT/202 2/02 |
Antenna Fidelity Solution |
14-03-2022 |
1,180/- |
Dr. G S Karthikeya Premnath P M |
Funded Projects and Patents
Name of Principal Investigator |
Title of the Project |
Name of the Sponsoring Agency |
Period of the Project |
Total Amount |
Dr.B.K.Sujatha |
Centre of Learning for setting up Microwave and Antenna Lab |
2 years, October 2018 |
40 lakhs |
Dr.B.K.Sujatha |
Performance Characterization of Flexible Wearable Antennas for Dynamic IoT Connectivity |
2 years, Dec 2018 |
10 lakhs |
Sl. No. |
Faculty Name |
Details |
Indian/other |
Date |
Patent number |
1 |
Dr.Vishwanath Talasila Dr.Swetha Amit Surinder Singh Manish Hooda Gaurav Jayaswal |
A High Gain Ultra- Wideband Spiky Terahertz Microstrip Antenna |
Indian |
21/10/2021 (Published) |
202141006846 |
1 |
Dr.Vishwanath Talasila Dr.Swetha Amit Premnath PM |
A Liquid Antenna System For Transmitting And Receiving Electromagnetic Waves |
Indian |
21/10/2021 (Published) |
202141005075 |
Internship training/ Training
Sl. No. |
Date |
Student/Department |
Details of Training |
Name of the Faculty co-ordinator |
1 |
11-09-2021 till February 2022 |
Kushal Kumar PG - DC (ETE) |
Internship training on study of different IRNSS Navigational antennas utilising the CARFS facilities in collaboration with Elena Geo systems. |
Dr.Parimala.P |
2 |
11-10-2021 till Date |
10 students from E&C department (UG & PG) |
Internship training: Design A High Gain Textile Antenna for Defence Applications |
Dr. B Sujatha (ECE) |
3 |
21/10/21 (2 days) |
20 students from STARDUST - Satellite and Rocketry team of RIT |
Fabrication and testing of Microstrip Patch antenna |
Dr. B Sujatha (ECE) Dr.Parimala.P (ETE) |
4 |
25/11/21 - 11/12/21 |
8 UG students from ETE department |
IEEE AP-MTT Joint chapter National Level Student Project competition |
Dr.G S Karthikeya Dr.Parimala.P |
Research Activities
Research Scholars pursuing PhD
- Mrs. Keerthi Naidu, research scholar working on “Corporate feed Microstrip Phased Array Patch Antenna”, under the guidance of Dr. Imaculate Rosaline.
- Mrs. Madhuri Bonthu, 1MS22PE01, Full time, Characterization of Nano-materials for analyzing conductivity, optical properties and for EMI suppression.
- Mrs. Flory (1MS19PEC07),” Design and Development of Metameterial Antennas for Microwave Applications”, Course Work Completed.
- Mrs. Akshata Kori (5VX17PES63),research scholar working on the “Reconfigurable filtenna with lumped circuits for ultra-wide band applications”,completed Comprehensive Viva in May 2020.
Details of UG/PG Projects carried out

PG Projects:
- Numerical analysis and development of wearable antenna, Arieb Sofi , under the guidance of Dr.B.K .Sujatha(2019-21 Batch)
- Design and Development of Fractal Wearable antenna, Meghana. S, under the guidance of Dr. B.K.Sujatha (2019-21 Batch)
- Breast cancer detection using wearable antennas, Vanishree (1MS20LDC12), under the guidance of Dr.B.K.Sujatha (2020-22 Batch)
- Design and Development of Compact Antenna for NavIC Application, Kushal P Kumar (1MS20LDC01), under the guidance of Dr.Parimala.P (2020-22 Batch)
- Metamaterial design and simulation for radar signal absorption, Moditha, under the guidance of Dr.Viswanath Talasila (2020-22 Batch)
- Design and Implementation of V2V Communication Transceiver Using USRP (NI2901) And Wide Band Cavity Antenna, Sandya Y.G (1MS20LDC08), under guidance of Nisha S.L (2020-22 Batch)
UG Projects:
- Design and develop Bandpass filter for Ultra-Wide Band applications, Trupti Raj (1MS18TE055), Gaana H (1MS18TE019),Vanshika Gupta (1MS18TE056) under Mrs. Akshata S Kori.
- A Planar Microstrip Antenna Design for UHF RFID, Rohini S(1MS16TE039),Chethan D G(1MS18TE402), Pavan v (1MS18TE406), Sharana basappa(1MS15TE049) under the guidance of Mrs. Akshata S Kori.
- Design and Fabrication of a Koch Snowflake Antenna for WBAN Application, Ishika Vaish (1MS17TE017),Amogh Dwaithi (1MS17TE068),Rohith M R (1MS17TE042) under the guidance of Dr.Swetha Amit.
CARFS Colloquium

Technical talk on “Concepts of MMIC Design & Technology” by Mr. Anbarasan.V, Senior Engineer in MMIC Department of Product Development and Innovation Center (PDIC) , BEL, Bangalore & Mr. K Satish Kumar, Senior Engineer in MMIC Department of PDIC, BEL, Bangalore.

Technical talk on “IOT & Telematics enabling Electric Vehicle for a smarter and sustainable mobility”, by Mr. Karan Makhija, CEO and Founder, Intellicar Telematics Pvt. Ltd
University collaborations
Dr.Prasad Shastry, Professor, Bradley University, Illinois, U.S.A, is visiting our center during his sabbatical leave from February 2022 to July 2022 and mentoring members of CARFS with his expertise in Microwave Engineering.
- Interactive tutorials on RF circuit and system design
- Guidance for Ph.D students working in Antennas and RF circuits domains
- Writing Proposals for funding agencies in the field of Wearable antenna for Biomedical applications, Frequency selective surfaces for 5G applications
- Support to carry out various activities like webinars, training on innovation for UG and PG projects