Dr. Asha M Nair is working in the Department of Civil Engineering at MSRIT, Bengaluru. She has completed her PhD from Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru and M.Tech from Regional Engineering College, Calicut, Kerala (Present NITC). Dr. Asha is a passionate researcher and consultant with expertise in the field of pavement geotechnics. She has worked extensively on use of geosynthetics in pavements and is very keen on experimentation and material characterisation for infra structure applications. Currently she is guiding four PhD Scholars and has multiple Sci indexed and Scopus indexed publications to credit. Dr. Asha is well versed in using different software’s like Geostudio, KenPAVE, GeoPIV and FLAC 3D. Her key areas of research are Ground improvement including bioremediation of soils, image analysis to investigate behaviour of driven piles, harvesting energy from pavements and sustainable means of ground improvement.
Regional Engineering College (REC), University of Calicut, Calicut, Kerala
TKM College of Engineering, University of Kerala, Kollam, Kerala
Subjects Taught
Geotecnical Engineering - I
Geotechnical Engineering - II
Pavement Design
Fluid Mechanics
Elements of Civil Engg
Funded Projects
Funding Agency
Funding Amount
Performance assessment of jute and bamboo as a sustainable reinforcing material for flexible pavements,
VGST K FIST (L2)/ KFIST/VGST/K-FISTL2/GRD NO.1124/2022 -23/645
Rs. 30,00,000/-
2 years(Jan 2024 – Jan 2026)
Performance assessment of jute and bamboo as a sustainable reinforcing material for flexible pavements
KSCST/ 47S_BE_4298
Rs. 4000/-
6 Months
Role of compaction of infill on performance of cellular confined systems
Rs. 18,30,000/-
3 years
(2021 - 2025)
Conversion of tender coconut shell to biochar and its utilization for stabilization of black cotton soil
MSRIT Seed Funding
Rs. 2,00,000/-
2 year
(Jan 2023- Dec 2024)
Honours & Achievements
Project Guide for KSCST Best Student Project for the state for 2024
Best paper award for the paper “Laboratory Experiments to Study the Performance of Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil -Aggregate Systems” in Annual Students Symposium held at Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, during 26 – 27 August, 2010
MHRD Scholrahip for pursuing PhD
MHRD Scholarship for pursuing M. Tech
Gold medals for Academic excellence in B. Tech
Research Publications
Lavanya Addagada and Asha M. Nair (2024) “Assessment of kinetics and thermodynamic parameters of Cocos Nucifera using thermogravimetric analysis”, Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, https://doi.org/10.1007/s13399-024-05962-y
Asha, M N, Lekshmi Suku and G. L. Sivakumar Babu, (2024) “Effect of Anisotropic Consolidation on Shakedown Behavior of Granular Sub-Bases”, Geo-Congress 2024 ASCE GSP 353
Asha M N (2024) “Reuse of non-degradable waste PET bottles for ground improvement”, Geomechanics and Geoengineering, DOI: 10.1080/17486025.2024.2314058
Asha, M.N., Babu, G.L. and Preethi, A. (2022) "Low-Cost Novel Piezoelectric Module for Harvesting Energy from Two-Layer Pavement Systems". International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology, pp.1-12.
Divya V and Asha M N. (2022) "Microstructural Studies on Enzyme Modified Lateritic Subgrade". International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology, Springer pp.1-14.
Sreelakshmi G & Asha M. N. (2021)"Investigation of soil plug formation in hollow piles using PIV technique", Geomechanics and Geoengineering, Taylor and Francis, available online.
Lekshmi Suku., Asha M.N., Pratibha R. and G.L.Sivakumar Babu (2016) “ Effect of Non-Linear Behaviour of Materials in Pavement Design”, Indian Highways, Vol. 44 (7), pp. 13-23
Nair, Asha M., and G. Madhavi Latha. (2015). "Effect of sample size and anchorage on the performance of reinforced soil-aggregate systems." International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 10, No.2, pp. 1-9.
Nair, Asha M., and G. Madhavi Latha. (2014)."Large Diameter Triaxial Tests on Geosynthetic-Reinforced Granular Subbases." Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 27, Issue 4.
Latha, G.M. and Nair, A.M (2014) “Geosynthetics in unpaved roads", Indian Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Improvement, Vol. 3(2), pp: 3-13.
Workshop/FDP Attended/Guest Lectures Delivered
One day National Conference on "Jute Geotextiles as Sustainable Solution in Civil Engineering Applications including Rural Infrastructure Development" on 18 May 2023
3 day FDP on Pedagogical Techniques for Effective Teaching & Learning towards NBA Accreditaion, organized by MS Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, 18 - 20 Jan 2023
Participated in Training program on estimation of measurement uncertainity in testing as per ISO/ IEC 17025: 2017, conducted by S P Enterprises, 14 - 15 Dec 2022
Participated in Awareness of ISO/IEC: 17025: 2017, Testing and Calibration Methodology and Accrediation Requirement, conducted by S P Enterprises, on 18 Nov 2022
Chaired a session in 4th International Conference on "Recent Advances in Engineering Sciences [ICRAES - 2022], organized by MS Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, 13 - 14 Oct 2022
Faculty Development Program on Design, Technology and Innovation, Conducted by NPTEL - AICTE, Feb - April 2022
Attended Live Online Industrial Training Program On Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Using Python, Organized by Finland Labs, 15 - 26 November 2021
Undertaken Innovation Ambassador Training (Foundation level) conducted by MoE's Innovation Cell and AICTE; 30th June to 30th July 2021
Attended Universal Human Value course on the theme “Inculcating Universal Human Values in
Technical Education” organized by All India Council for Technical
Education(AICTE); during 21-25 September, 2020
Attended 3 days Advance Professional Skill Development Training Prograom on Patent description, cliams, Drafting exercise, Patent description, Claims and Drafting Exercise-Advance organized by RGNIIPM, Nagpur; 02 - 04 March 2020
Membership of Professional Societies
ASCE, Associate Member
IGS, Life Member
Patents & Books
A process for the preperation of Biochar /202441028729/13.09.2024
Device to trap or repel fruit flies /202041027685/ 30.06.2020 (Filed and published)
Weather shielded helmet visor/ 202041042164/ 28.09.2020 (Filed and published)
Dual function low-cost wheel chair for elderly and disabled/ 202141028029/21.06.2021 (Filed and published)
Squeeze tube dispenser/202141029286/29.06.2021 (Filed and published)
A novel technology comprising of cellular confinement systems made with varying heights/depths using plastic bottles for ground improvement/202141027653/21.06.2021 (Filed and published)
Use of waste tender coconut shell for ground improvement/ 202241037516/ 30.06.2022 (Filed and published)
Configuration of scrap tyres for ground improvement/202241037515/30.06.2022 (Filed and published)
Terrazyme modified clay for liner applications/202241037514/30.06.2022 (Filed and published)